Joe Rogan podcast - Robert Kelly

1  2019-02-03 by NetherMoore


Jamie can you pull up that hat

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Dude you got your drug addict dude you got fat fuck boom dude you got a podcast dude.

What the fuck is that chair made out of?

It's 2 chairs side by side

Joe’s never had Bobby on. Why would he want someone good on air when he can have Whitney Cummings on to bore us for the 55th time?

melted candle faced bitch

It's like Joe never liked that guy..

Wait a second are you saying you don't want to listen to a millionaire former model turned armchair psychologist talk about how awful her life is?

who's the tiny kike

Louis beans

"Jamie pull up a picture of the Gustav Railway Gun . . . look at that thing. It's so massive. Rail was the only way to move that fuckin' thing. You couldn't move that shit on a trailer pulled by a Liberty Truck. I mean, don't get me wrong, a Liberty Truck is a badass machine. It's an impressive vehicle, but you weren't moving that shit by truck."

Long silence with nothing but dead air

"Imagine taking a direct hit from that thing. There'd be nothing left, there'd be nothing left. There isn't anything you could do about it either. You couldn't dodge a round from the Gustav Gun. You probably wouldn't even realize what was happening. You might hear like a . . . like a faint whistle, and then you're gone. Just one second you're standing there minding you own fucking business, eating a baguette and sippin' wine or whatever the hell French people do, you hear that whistle from the round, and then blam, you're vaporized. Probably not a bad way to die actually."

I'd rather get shot at close range by an anti-aircraft missile than dying by some of them other ISIS execution methods.

Bobby came in on circus train car and joe flew in via hang gliding from a dorito

There has to be a story as to why joe wont have bobby on. They definately have crossed paths. Both from boston. Been doin comedy for 20 years at least. Have a similar friend in Ari shaffir. Maybe both of them tried to fuck the same up and coming middle at the cellar and a civilian caught some shrapnel.

Some time ago Joe talked about Bobby. Don't know which comic was on. Could be Ari or Tom, but it was something who's friends with Bobby.

He was worried how he looked and what nice guy he was. Joe acknowledged he knows Bobby from Boston.

I also wonder why Ron hasn't been on.

Possibly the fact that noone knows Bobby and he isn’t funny or interesting. Why isn’t the guy working at subway down my street on Rogan?

Bobby always gets left out. Even in tough crowd.

this is fantastic