Wonder what kind of faggot would dress up in glasses and a wig...

1  2019-02-02 by betamaxdrome


Jimmy has been cowering in a corner in the fetal position for weeks. Brothaman decided to give him another kick in the ribs for good measure.

Let's hope his next kick is in the liver.

Sure but it wont do much.

He has literally the healthiest liver in my entire social circle including family and my self. "Gave up drinking at 18" boy, his fake sobriety is the worst thing about him

You must linger longer my friend.

Opie once kicked a dog in the liver. That dog died. I'm wishing the same on Jim.

God speed Chester

Eating tranny prostitute ass isn’t good for your liver

Gave up implies he ever started

PRep gets processed through the liver. And so does all the shit and cum he consumes. His liver is fucked

I guarantee that Jimmy has the healthiest liver of anyone with HIV who is reading this right now.


Actually PreP and Cialis are brutal on the liver


he claims he deleted twitter.. he's a pussy

party on, gregg.

party on, worm.

He’s in recovery, you scccccuuuuuumbag.

Waynes world reference a shot at Ant

Jesus, Opie hit the 7-10 split.

I know the Opie love is just a bit but he is really taking some good shots lately


he's keeping the hate flames alive, brotherman

Love how he only goes after Jim. For the most part he respects Ant and what they accomplished together. Even tho Ant manipulated the hate. Opie has honor.

anthony is retarded, but jirn really is a venom snake in the glass that fuck things up intentionally for opie

He goes after those that actually can defend themselves on the air. He’s giving the worm a fighting chance. He knows Nana Al Kumyia has no audience.

Brotherman got honor.

Jim attacked Opie more than ever when he was fired and couldn’t fight back. Allhe had was YouTube videos at the time.

There are two types of people on this sub.


Beefer posters who think the Opie love is a bit.

The latter are faggots.

Says the guy who allegedly IRL owned up to molesting his 3 year old cousin, by all accounts.

What but?

"dude, i didn't even get the reference, i've genuinely never seen that movie, heard it was funny though, man"

Worm's World. Worm's World. Party Time. Excellent.

They were all mocking the destroyer’s podcast show. The brothaman had one thing to say.

“If I book them, they will come”

Jim: Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny?


Ant: Yes...HA, HA, HA...HOLY SHIT! Yes!


Jim: Me, too. I'd totally put a ring on her.

Fawwwk, there it is. We knew after the Jersey Boys, Jim was on the hunt for his next 90s bit to steal, of course the Destroyer is two steps ahead of us.

I think you mean Jerky Boys, but at this point I’m convinced he stole from Jersey Boys too.

i never heard that jim doesn't pay male prostitutes, but who knows...

If Opie wanted to, he could have offered $50,000 to shut the sub down, and may have even succeeded. Fortunately, he knows when to leave it alone and also doesn't fuck children.

And also spends his money like a white person.

Aka doesn't spend most of it.



That’s... why that’s another pretty decent shot. Let’s not go overboard, it’s barely funny, but it absolutely feels authentic, accurate, and is something that would bother Jimmy, even if only deep down. Well, it might not, but only because he’s delusional. I don’t know what in the hell has gotten into Opie over the last few months, but I like it.

He did hallucinogens after his firing and gained some introspection on himself and the people around him.

It seems like Jim is now pretending to be above the squabbling, but deep down I think all of Opie's jabs are based in truth and cut right to Jim's core. There's also a good chance he avoids it completely and has noped out at this point for the reason I stated above.

this is his nuclear option

I wonder what Opie thinks about the sub suddenly supporting him.

He did a feed nana reference he's all in.

It’s a quiet moral victory. The destroyer knows we love him, but he won’t brag.

Jim's on the phone with his sponsor as we speak.

I hate twattter but the converging brotherman army is tempting


Funny that Jim used to take constant shots at Opie every week but ever since he started getting shredded regularly by Gregg on Twitter he’s deadly silent.

Looks like it little baby boy can’t handle his own medicine.

jimmy was always so big on ripping on people too, especially people that tore into him or his friends

i think he must be genuinely hurt by greggs jabs because he knows that they are true

Jim caved & let a transsexual rail his ass into submission because he can't handle Operoo's twitter truths

Fuck Jim Norton.

unpopular opinion here: morton is not good

I’m so faaawkin sick of my dad talking about this movie. Is it any good?

I think you mean Jerky Boys, but at this point I’m convinced he stole from Jersey Boys too.

unpopular opinion here: morton is not good