Reminder: Joe Cumia believes that Ant becoming successful was totally planned and he was 50% part of it and therefore deserves lifetime royalties.

1  2019-02-02 by SpudPeelinJoe

Joe: "I've benefited from a partnership and a mutual agreement when Anth and I were getting free lunch in elementary school"

Translation: I knew from a young age I was a dumb fuck who'd need to rely on others for handouts and therefore guilted my weak baby brother into agreeing to support me for life if he ever made money.


Joe Cumia is a racist buffoon and just a failure of a human being.

Everything that Opie and Anthony became had zero to do with that fat loser. It got AntH into radio, but they were just music djs for years.

Opie was able to see that only Anthony had something to offer. His older brother was useless, and remains so to this day.

"When I was young and my family took government welfare because my father ran off and his vending machine theft proceeds went with him, I decided that black people, crime, and taxes were the primary ills of society."

Movies like Braveheart only get Mel Gibson $0.10 a check in residual income, and Joe Cumia still wants his mortgage paid for because of some gay radio show.