This man needs to be stopped

1  2019-02-02 by mahaaa_the_french


Matt grooming

Charles M Shitz

Dick Sprang

Fairy Larson

Please do a Brother Joe one next.

I'll try to capture his empty bovine eyes

Don't forget the retard lines

And the cock in his mouth.

You have to make the eyes on the side of his head like a true prey animal

I wish I could draw

Just pick up a pen and start drawing dumb shit, don't even worry about it being good.

Okay well I'm going to dm you the result

send your penis too

Nice motivational pitch, stupid

Sometimes I forget where I am.

Just like our nana.

Read Loomis and Betty Edwards, stupid.

Fawkin’ make me tough guy.

Why? You're the fellow wished upon a star.


Very nice work

what's the name of that style? cartoon network stephen universe shit?

f that shit mayne

the style is drawing.


thank you

I don't care if someone dislikes my shitty drawings, but I will defend that I do not draw calart until my last breath.

I care

Yours is more Larson/Groening/MacFarlane, which I think comes from Ralph Bakshi and Robert Crumb.

John k, Tartakovsky, Groening, and Fred Crippen were always my biggest influences growing up. Can't stand Seth MacFarlane's style but I see where you're coming from.

I love all those guys aside from Groening but I was only going by your one drawing.

my nigga

penis shaped sweat stains add a nice subtle touch

Anthony and Birdman both enjoy the company of young men.

Stuntin like my granny...


Where did you get this footage?

Nice graph paper, stupid.

Yes yes, I know.

Is that Anthony Weiner?