A Jewish comedian has decided to go SJW to help their career. Who would have thunk it?

1  2019-02-02 by unclepaul84


She is such a two-face girl. One moment she's all gangly and weird the next she's looking all pretty like here.

She's got the angles worked out.

MySpace voodoo.

Linger longer

I only see one face, and it’s really fucking long.

i love she is knowingly not showing her extremely crooked teeth

Bonnie's Jewish?

Vos has gone SJW. I'm sure at the advice of his unfunny cunt wife

He has? Shit. I haven’t listened to him since Sam took over on mornings but what is he saying that is SJW these days?

He said women folk should be allowed to vote.

He likes to on about how Republicans(the pro Israel party) are to blame for "rising antisemitism". I could care less about his politics but that's just fucking retarded

Is he nuts? Republicans lick the nuts of Israel constantly and the super left are all behind rock throwing Palestinians.

Just when I thought that money grubbing cunt couldn’t get any dumber.

jews are to blame for that, by being jews

Establishment Republicans, yes. A lot of the far right are starting to bitch about Jews more than I’ve seen in my lifetime and I’m 40.

Like politicians? Or rando people on the internet?

Not politicians.

Evangelicals, of course.

Not one that I know of, but maybe some, I guess.

Are these the same nazis that recognized Jerusalem as the heebs capital? $hocking

Couldn't care less stupid

Well I could care a little less it is kind of annoying.

I doubt she is, no way she could handle her sister eating all those pennies.

Jews are shape shifters for the pursuit of shekels

The only shape they can’t shift to is one that can get through a shower room door.


There were so many potentially funny jokes that could have started with the first 7 words of your comment. But you didn't make any of them.

I have the same criticism of mein kampf


Shes wearing flats. Still taller than Rich

I hope she's wearing 'invisible' socks with those shoes. If not her feet would smell terrible once Rich got her home, not to mention the risk of blisters!

She's hiding her crusty toes. Didn't even bother with a pedicure.

I want to piss on Bonnie and that's not an urge I normally get

I used to think that she was prettier than him but really they have the exact same face structure

No one will ever give a fuck about Rich Vos.

Is the lower half of his body shrinking? Peter Dinklage's legs are more proportionate to his torso than Vos here.

She so wanted to wear high heels, nothing crazy just some Manolo's she bought back in LA.

Ok Tim Stack

Googled him and apparently he "hasn't had sex in decades" so spot on.

Jew turns on their fanbase to promote sjw bullshit to make a sheckel all the time Amy schumer, Louis ck, now voss. It's sad but take solice In the fact that there is no end to sjw nonsense and they will eventually be eaten by their own

She has said publicly she gives him daily blowjobs. No wonder he keeps her around.

Mr Ed. And a man with little hands.

He looks like a street magician