How Embarrassing...

1  2019-02-02 by Nothing_of_merit


I watched this because I like Coulter and they posted it on Youtube. It's an ironic bit. They're making fun of hack stuff.

I mean the artwork though, Ant thinks he looks like a younger David Niven

I don't even think you could accurately draw him. He's so fucking freaky looking and asymmetrical. He makes no physical sense.

have you ever seen the Feed Nana drawing? They should have just asked the artist if they could use that. It's a very accurate illustration of him.

I don’t understand how they were able to encapsulate Dave’s borderline Down’s syndrome, but drew something that looks nothing like Ant.

There's nothing to like about Ann Coulter. She's almost as big of a cunt as you.

And he criticizes Opie for being hackney

Hacky or hackneyed. Pick one and stick with it!

Steve Torelli is Ansel Adams compared to that cartoon abortion

Why does the one that's supposed to ne Anth look like a white guy with good hair and no pockmarks?


I mean the artwork though, Ant thinks he looks like a younger David Niven

There's nothing to like about Ann Coulter. She's almost as big of a cunt as you.