DJ Tits & The Ugly Dweeb

1  2019-02-02 by CacaDick


Does this fag have a Cthulhu tattoo?

“HP Lovecraft? Never heard of them brah. What do they play, deathcore?”

Skinny fat guys who think they're in shape

Beta head tilt accompanied with insecure smug lip. Classic case. Sam looks like a burn out slow adult that is into heavy metal to try and be cool, it worked in high school, but now everyone is an adult and he wears fake hole jeans with wrestler t-shirts that he thinks are really really cool. Because he's a fag. Troy is just a gay guy who murdered his girlfriend for threatening to stop threading his eyebrows.

I bet they contribute to 60% of all ''interracial'' porn video views

Sam "Littlefinger" Roberts was the biggest shit-stirrer behind the scenes, to the point that even guests picked up on it. How did he manage to remain unscathed, despite antagonizing everybody on the staff?

He was up management and the hosts' asses. They all feared he'd tell on them and have them fired. Any new intern or low level board op in that building basically had to give him all their gossip on everyone else and he'd threaten to go tattle to greenstein or whoever if anyome got out of line.

Because the actual DJ Tits, Opie, protected him and pushed him forward as a great broadcaster and someone who is genuinely funny. Just one reason these Opie loving faggots are sickening.

is Sam's entire wardrobe really just skinny jeans (that may or may not be ripped), wrestling shirts, and faggy $500 apehoop shoes

I could snap Ape’s arm in half with minimal effort.

no you couldnt, faggot

Sam has the same hand as Ann Coulter

Sam Roberts is the worst. Rivals tony hi checking is doucheness

Nice arms troy,really looks like you work out.

'Men's men'

Of course the niggers ate at Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles

What's bad about it is some agent told them to go there. You wait forever and it's okay, but basically just slop you can get at a million places in Central LA. Just tourists going to Joe's Pizza pretending they aren't faggots. Which they are.

This is back in the day when Sam only has two widow peaks