Reminder: The CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey had a(probably paid) appearance on JRE that went so badly that the full podcast hasn't been uploaded to youtube.

1  2019-02-02 by BeigeFrequency

The dead stream video has 90% dislikes and every video from the JRE clips channel featuring Jack has majority dislikes.


That's because Jack is an unreasonable silicon valley ivory tower cunt with no sense of humor.

Should have had them on together

Twitter banned Ant though, so he got one thing right.

An algorithm that sends accounts that get flagged enough to an office full of indians banned Ant

lol you sound butthurt af

They uploaded it and immediately took it down.

I didn't catch that. I just know that the original stream link has 90% dislikes

It's up now. I got two notifications, two hours apart for the same episode. I assumed the second one was for the upload. Video was unavailable for both.

Rundown: was it worse than the dick cream paid advert on Ant's show?

Rogan sucked his dick and when a tough question was asked and Dorsey lied or gave a non-answer Rogan would move on immediately. So Joe is doing the Jake Tapper style "I ask tough questions of every side" gimmick where there's "asking" and then there's asking (and interrupting and getting testy when they don't give an answer you like.)

Rogan sucked his dick and when a tough question was asked and Dorsey lied or gave a non-answer Rogan would move on immediately

Since when did Rogan ask tough questions? the cunt has done 1200 podcasts and maybe four times has called someone out on their shit and it's always when they're not a threat to him. During the Alex Jones podcast his sidekick pulled up stories a few times literally disproving shit that Jones was saying, and he ignored it. He's never been a tough interviewer.

Yeah I don't particularly like him, but that's how he always has been and why he gets such big guests. People know they can go and have a light-hearted hang, and Rogan will mostly go along with what you're saying. People criticize him for that, but I don't know how you would ever expect anything different.

Unless you disagree with him on anything related to weed or exercising.

Weed is bad, it's hard to exercise, and God made me fat.

Jack Dorsey spent the entire time rabbiting on about his company and their services. As soon as he got asked a difficult question by Rogan he basically said it's a difficult balance to strike bla bla bla and moved on quickly.

Reminder: Jack Dorsey engages in anal sex with black men (for free)

Reparations, yo

he likes tubesteak?

Why did it suck? Softball questions?

Twitter is Rogan's biggest sponsor right bow.

The Cash App is owned by Twitter, they're basically trying to become a bank

So it was just a paid advertisement under the illusion of an interview

No, it was a decent conversation. They ripped on Zuckerberg a little too.

It didn't even come close to dick cream territory. A lot of Rogan's guests are there because they have something come out, he encourages guests he likes to come on when their new shit comes out because he wants them to do well.

I like his podcast as well, I just only listen to guests I know or something that interests me. I don't have twitter or care about it. It's just weird that he got backlash. Maybe the fans have become greedy. What do I know? I just go to the job site and WORK while some bookworms play computers and call it a hard day at the office.

Dorsey is a controversial figure and Twitter is a really fucking big deal.

I'm with you though, I don't get Twitter, I don't see why it matters other than everybody saying that it does. Also Anth's obsession with it.

You know what else is a really big fucking deal? Me :)

sounds like a cheap, fat hooker advert :-/

Here is a link to the original audio version if anyone wants it. I guess there’s 10 minutes of additional content. I don’t know what part was cut out though.

The extra 10 minutes is advertising and his intro. Been listening to it for for the last hour, it's just a bland conversation, no different that the other shitty guests he has on. The mass downvoting on Youtube is from fags still butthurt that Milo, Alex Jones, Ant etc got banned from the site.

That's why this is the third reupload. Joe is thinskinned and is also trying to turn the show into a hang (brotherman) for big names so he doesn't have to have on Duncan Trusell 3 times a year. He tried being the "I'm a liberal who will be nice to conservative guests" gimmick for 3 years, but there's too much trouble in that now. He's being labeled Alt Right because he didn't scream at Ben Shapiro or whatever by crazies, and that could fuck with his money. So now he's going to be like modern Howard Stern.

Ironically for these idiots the 'Alt-Right' actually would scream at Ben 'Doesn't care if the country turns brown' Shapiro. They're so ill informed. It's really remarkable.

Anyone who doesn't follow the post modern progressive party line 100% is alt right now. If you don't believe white men should be legally and openly discriminated against, you're no different than a Neo-Nazi.

I'd love a text summary as I watch faggots performing faggotry enough already just driving to work with a tin of coffee and some bacon and eggs in some styrofoam know what I mean


Joe Rogan might need a doc

It's on the RSS feed for the podcast, don't know what you're talking about.

It was taken down and reuploaded on youtube 3 times since last night.

Should we be surprised that Joe didn't call out Jack for stating that he 'did not know exactly why Alex Jones was removed'

Nope. What happened to Jones scared the shit out of Joe so he wants to make nice with the crazies who deplatform or get gigs canceled. Notice how often he makes sure to remind people "really I'm only right wing on guns, but I don't like the NRA" where as before he didn't care if you thought he was on one side or the other. Not that I want him to because he's a has-been and a faggot, but Milo Yianappolous would never be brought back on. Jordan Peterson is as far right as he will go now.

Joe Rogan is a professional cock sucker. When he's interviewing right wing guys, he leans right. When he's interviewing lefties, he leans left.

Joe, who for years has promoted himself as a defender of free speech, says to Dorsey "the bad thing about Gab is that anyone can say anything they want". Fuckin loser

He's a homosexual meathead.

i'm amazed he kept the Bari Weiss video up given its vote ratio and comments section

He didn’t, they took it down at one point and said it was “audio issues”

lol. I watched the David Sinclair one recently. At the beginning the audio sounded like shit for just like a minute but then it got sorted out.

Almost like they put in deliberate distortions as insurance policy to justify randomly pulling them down to eradicate problematic upvoted comments.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all, someone in rogans camp has gone full shill lately

Rogan clearly sipped the gourd himself. They may have forced it to his lips against his will, but he swalloed the koolaid.

As Alex said recently (paraphrasing), "I don't even hate him, it's just like someone died"

I mean I wouldn’t cite Alex Jones to argue against crazy but I agree I guess

Alex was always crazy. What's going on now is some twilight zone shit.

Alex Jones is a joke lol you lose all credibility when you bring him up as a "source"


It was Joe himself. He runs his own shit, he doesn't have a Marci Turk type. He just realizes what happened to Owen Benjamin (before he went full on insane) and Sam Hyde can happen to him just by association. So he's now Dave Rubin "I'm not conservative but I just don't like the free speech attacks from the left." Those types can still get New York Times articles about them whereas Owen and Sam are pariah (and again I'm talking about the reasonable Owen Benjamin in he beginning of all of this who was exiled for saying maybe little boys shouldn't be taking estrogen until the grew up. Not the moonlanding kook current version.)

It's exactly what Joe's always railed against and said he's impervious too. The nature of fascism today is that it doesn't come from a position of power, it comes from being the most compelling victim. That's not difficult to see but it's very difficult to prove. People who subsist on a victim narrative have found that there is a huge amount of power to be had in defining the moral high ground and setting your views in agreement with it when the reality is they're just as a power hungry as the people against whom they purport to be fighting. Best of all these people aren't just selling moral superiority, it's all just a lead in to their column, tv show, comedy special or whatever else.

Just ask the moral high ground people to define what morality is and how they know that their take on morality is objectively true. That gets most of them to completely fold.

Hence things like "believe all women". Any kind of questioning or doubt, even if it's logical, isn't tolerated and new terms like victim blaming are invented so that these people can be isolated and defined. It doesn't matter if it's the Me Too movement or any other SJW cause, they've all got their dog whistles. People are scared to death and rightly so; if blame is cast upon someone their rights instantly vanish and it's as if they're in quick sand. Any kind of struggling only makes it worse.

Negative comments and dislikes were deleted for that video too.

I guarantee Joe asked for a stupid low amount and got less than he asked for. He was probably like "woahhhh you'll pay me $5000 just to be on the podcast? That's like a month's worth of weed maaan"

Did the faggot Joe grill him on all the child porn that was found on his platform during “twittergate” or nah?

That's more a question Anthony would spend time on on TACS.

"Do you still have it? Can I have some?"

CashApp (owned by Square, Inc. Dorsey's the CEO) is a sponsor for the Rogan podcast, so naturally he went easy on the hipster twat.

Interesting when you compare the video that was finally released & the audio that was already uploaded, minus the ads there is still roughly 2 minutes missing from the video.

Reparations, yo

Rogan sucked his dick and when a tough question was asked and Dorsey lied or gave a non-answer Rogan would move on immediately. So Joe is doing the Jake Tapper style "I ask tough questions of every side" gimmick where there's "asking" and then there's asking (and interrupting and getting testy when they don't give an answer you like.)

The extra 10 minutes is advertising and his intro. Been listening to it for for the last hour, it's just a bland conversation, no different that the other shitty guests he has on. The mass downvoting on Youtube is from fags still butthurt that Milo, Alex Jones, Ant etc got banned from the site.

Alex was always crazy. What's going on now is some twilight zone shit.

he likes tubesteak?

Jack Dorsey spent the entire time rabbiting on about his company and their services. As soon as he got asked a difficult question by Rogan he basically said it's a difficult balance to strike bla bla bla and moved on quickly.