Nana goes shopping

1  2019-02-02 by mahaaa_the_french


Quality stuf

Nanas cookies

Nice Eurotrash notebook paper, stupid.

Don't you ever accuse me of being from Europe.

Nana looks too lively

Being in the vicinity of anal toys gives the old gal a real jolt.

He couldn’t possibly choose one!

Thankfully it's a supermarket so he doesn't have to, stupid.

nice time allocation, stupid.

Feed Nana('s anus)

good pictar good username

Nice graph paper, stupid.

Nothing is safe here

No cow is sacred

Erock, comment?

Brootal. Come sit here, you earned your spot at the cellar table.

Damn good job. This place has some really talented artists.

Does it?

Yeah it does, faggot.

Way to point out the obvious, stupid.

If you focus away from the mu-mu, it really is almost a photorealistic version of AntHony Cumia, Shock Jock.

Outlaw Scumfudge good.

Dude thank you. Johnny Ryan is one of the best.


Why do I not know who the fuck Nana is? Is this a Cumia side plot or what

hopefully this helps:


Nice Marge Simpson, stupid.

This is pretty much photographic evidence. I'm convinced

Surprised she went for the egg instead of the big black dildo there. Nothing beats getting railed by what you hate.

Dani: What are the batteries for?

Anthony: Oh that's interesting.

prostrate blasters

Nothing is safe here

Brootal. Come sit here, you earned your spot at the cellar table.