1  2019-02-01 by Every1ShouldBKilled


I have noticed that Shane Smith is never on JRE anymore. Vice sucks

Possibly because the last time he was on he got completely shitfaced on vodka and started bragging that he was now worth a billion dollars. As well as adding to his completely bullshit backstory about being a hard case growing up.

1) Publish articles like "why you need to shove dildos in your ass or you're supporting white oppression"

2) Wonder why you're losing money.

Clearly it's an oversaturation of employees.

You must have missed the Pulitzer-caliber 'How to Smoke Weed Out of King Crab Legs."

We need this type of frivolous journalism, otherwise the mainstream media will continue to hide these truths. We need to know what happens when you smoke a DMT/Salvia mix, chase it with absinthe, all the while peaking on THC and mushrooms!?!?

Good, fuck vice. They are now, have always been, and will forever be a bunch of pretentious, dribbling cunts.

Only good thing about them is that they show It’s Always Sunny.

welp all the whores on nyc tinder are officially jobless

Looks like a bunch of in-your-face NYC cunts just found out sucking dick for rent while talking nicely isn't so bad.

They're not even from the city half of them.

They come from Idaho and think they're brave for moving to BK.

and then they quote NY rappers when confronted. "It's not where your from its where you're at"

Vice films recently put out “lords of chaos” which looks like the shittest movie trailer I’ve ever seen. https://youtu.be/M7zrHiqoJ6k And they wonder why they are broke

It’s an awesome story and I’ve liked a lot of the documentaries on the subject, but it looks like a bunch of shitty acting to something that’s been told a hundred different times.

It's a better story than any rapper beef.

The story of mayhem and varg is actually super interesting but this looks so fucking faggoty it's unbelievable.

I'd love to see a bio-pic about this except made by an actually competent director and film studio, not some obvious film school graduate and a studio that belongs to a company that is bleeding money.

They deserve it way more than the AIDs faggot Freddie Mercury. Maybe Varg can play himself

Rory Culkin AND Jack Kilmer?!

The two and only!!!

The downfall of VICE has been insane, i actually used to freelance for them years ago, Buzzfeed and VICE are getting huge pushback from a more 'Jordan Peterson-esque' momentum among its demographic. VICE also pays their writers dog shit, around $60 for an article that can take anywhere from 4-8 hours of work, including edits, re-edits and re-re-edits, most of the people there are starving and just want their name associated with the company.

Jesus, I get way more than that for shitty little affiliate marketing articles.

Now when you said "'Jordan Peterson-esque' momentum among its demographic": Was that happening when you were there? I really like to think that this is the case, because it ties into their constant need to publish articles along the line of "If you don't think/feel/speak/do_________, then you're evil.", and what the result of doing that is.

Glad these woke cunts are also broke ones. Fuck them and their virtue signaling, social engineering bullshit. Maybe it’s time hardcore leftists woke up and realized that just because (((they))) control the media, this does not make their idiotic viewpoints (on some things, not all) the majority in this country.

All these 'news' sites laying people off really makes you think, are they all fiscally connected 🤔

They (huffpo, Buzzfeed, etc.) were funded by venture capitalists on the premise of pandering to a dog shit, urban "woke" demographic. It's such a small audience dependant on social media. since everyone's moving on and the writers are all entitled, lazy, vapid, and completely unrelatable, it's no surprise the entire company model is unsustainable and all funded by the same people.

I’ve known people who’ve worked for Vice and other start ups that tried to chase that same momentum. Apparently these companies were run by coked out 30 year olds that expensed absolutely everything and now these companies are collapsing. These so called ‘woke’ angels suck just like everyone else.