Before I get banned I would just like to point out this faggot that is stalking me.

1  2019-02-01 by betamaxdrome


Jewy behavior from a Jew?

stalking me

You sound like Danny.

I didn't even report you when I said I did. It's just kinda funny to mess with you. You regularly get banned all on your own because you just can't fucking behave, even by the low standards of this place. Stupid MDE faggot.

Also, you are a fucking stalker. All the energy you put into pestering Fatrick and Jay Mohr's boyfriend.


I've been here since they were still on the air before MDE was even a thing, faggot. Go cry to those faggots I "pestered" since it bothers you so much.

Btw, that first account was the only one I had removed from some subs

I've been a fan of MDE and O&A while O&A were still on the air (no joke). Where does that leave me?

I see my post now looks retarded as that pussy deleted all of his comments.

It did so before. You obsessive weirdo.