Joseph Cumia is such a self-absorbed mongoloid he puts his own words in quotes to make them more profound.

1  2019-02-01 by RBuddCumia



What a self-important ignoramus.

So when denies being a pedophile, we are misinterpreting him?

Remember he didn't actually deny being a pedophile. He just unnecessarily announced that he has been called one. He also never denied being a "card-carrying" racist.

Remember he didn't actually deny being a pedophile. He just unnecessarily announced that he has been called one. He also never denied being a "card-carrying" racist.


He has lots of fingers as this subreddit has thousands of subscribers.

Hes literally targeted more than 20 specific users just on twitter with violent hateful rhetorical lmao

I just don't know why he thinks he needs a hashtag at the end of every single tweet.

He doesn't understand what they are and just sees other people doing it.

So, so, so, so, so what he’s some sort of Martin Luther Koon now?

Now would be a good time to remind him if the 9/11 nigger tweet.