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1  2019-02-01 by ChrisMMatthews


Beta faggot or ignorant cunt. I don't know which I hate more.

Women dont think for themselves I blame faggot men for not being more stern and allowing feminism to have any breath

That's an interesting point. I often think they tend to herd together in opinion for security.

Hoo hoo, aaah just take your top off and ride the sybian, aahhh anything else Robin?

Sorry to piggy back the top shit, but i actually own her book Couldnt get past a third of the way in

I can't tell if that's a floor or table, but I'm not a fan.

They're looking for male attention and validation by using their bodies, not love or a stable relationship and family from somebody who gives a fuck about their tiny mind.

haha, thinking women have any interest in any ideas loftier than tabloid level bullshit

Date higher quality women man.

Seriously. They are out there. Some guys settle and then complain about what they settled for.

I'm dating probably the smartest girl I've ever met and she still shocks me with her lack of rational thought some times.

On average she's smarter than 90% of men in a book-smart sort of way, but when it comes to real life skills like finding your way out of a hard problem or making sense of new information by herself I'd take a half-dumb dude over her any day. But then there's other stuff she makes me look retarded, like organizing all the small details for a flight/travel beforehand.

This entire sub is one big fan and the second you take anything said here seriously, you lose.

Eh you lose even more when you try to be referee get back to foot locker nerd.

You lost the second you took something on this sub seriously, stupid.


Fuck off, buddy.

Date higher quality women. Baby bitch.

Do you even use Reddit? It's a

Don't you use Reddit? You're supposed to reply with the same pop culture meme, guy.

Did you just take him seriously about finding "high quality" women? You fool, fell for an obvious oxymoron

Forbidden knowledge. I’m flagging this.

Your comment perfectly sums this place up. I really enjoyed it. Therefore i deserve a fucking pummeling

The correct response would have been “you must be retarded, it’s 4:19 in the evening”.

Bitch named herself after this.

I've wondered why no one gives her shit for that. What the fuck is this gorilla bitch doing naming herself after a gorgeous, white, blue eyed, talented, Republican woman?

Her mom named her, Lilly Munster is hotter tho.

Ant preferred Eddie.

Ash Trey is a saint on eart.

how to pimp my dead nigger boyfriend and influence people

The last book 90% of bitches have read is Harry Potter

maybe talk about wizards, maybe kiss you ;)

You spelled "50 Shades of Grey" wrong.

I worked on a job that involved using personalized/AI algorithms to recommend books to people.

It turns out that by far the best selling books for women are bottom-tier romance novels. They outsell every category on Amazon. Amazon created this self-publishing system and again it was thousands of really awful romance novels we had to filter out to make it look like a "legit" service (one popular one was about dinosaurs fucking women lost on an island).

The 2nd highest are those awful self-help books where they promote "positivity" like 90% of the drivel Instragram "influencer" hoes talk about.

It's a double edged sword. You can fake interest in her shit for so long. And being truthful off the bat always results in available chicks being decreased by 50% at least.

I text a bitch a pic of this dick

send a side by side comparison with a book

these are always the guys who end up murdering their wives on cruise ships. dude, everything your single mother taught you was wrong.

Cruise ship, hike. these are all good places

everything your single mother taught you was wrong.

Bullshit! I learned many valuable lessons from my single mom:

  • I learned that women will obsess for years or DECADES over men who have nearly no interest in them whatsoever

  • I learned that women will let a good man pay their bills and act vaguely affectionate in exchange for financial support

  • I learned that women will ignore a cosmic amount of infidelity if they're really into you

Women have become such cunts there is no reason to have them around except for fucking and producing offspring. They got the ticket to equality-ville somewhere in the late 60s and rode right through to man-opressor-ville. I've had it.

When the sexbots become better I'm switching

What could the possible downside of sex robots be? I'm genuinely asking.

I guess maintenance? Those robobircjes better clean themselves

Like human women aren't 10 times higher maintenance.

You make an excellent point.

You don't have to sop up your cum and rinse it down the sink with the real thing. There's that.

Black people, especially on twitter, are so into faux intellectualism. They love talking about how you should "read books, yall" then instantly go back to eating Funyuns and watching Tyler Perry

It's odd, because on one hand they're super literary and into reading but they get super defensive about how it's racist to correct a black person's grammar.

They don't read material. They just parrot some "woke" facebook post they read.

I think that's most people at this point.

I watched an activist in college whose gimmick was to use Roget's Thesaurus to make his Op-Ed editorials so difficult to read people would just assume he was in the intelligentsia.

One night in a dorm he was officiating an informal gathering with at least one participant being beaten in the head with a lead pipe.


It's nice to know "pretentious pseudo intellectual" is a personality type that knows no color.

It's the Adam Corolla question, which counties were the Axis and Allies in WW2? Just the top 3 on both sides. Every man can name them, normal women are lost like it's quantum mechanics.