
1  2019-02-01 by Bakersfield__Chimp


Gib me your guns

Nice haircut and man arms, stupid.

She’d be cute if she was less butch. Also, only a matter of time before this dummy’s nudes leak.

The nudes already leaked. They were on pol.

Her tits are second only to sue’s

From what I remember she had a pretty good body.

Oh yea? Is she old enough for me to search without being raided?

Wikipedia says yes.

Is there more than just the pic of her doing a pull-up nude?

There was another one with her standing in the doorway.

What the shit, post links ffs

I don't have links to the archives, search bing or twitter.

Guns bad

Orange man bad



Who’s the slut?

She's famous for pushing fat kids in front of bullets that were meant for her.

Fuckin whore

Great reflexes

Strong resemblance to Bobo's sister.

Looks like pete davidson with lipstick

That thing with the hands/sleeves, I've never met a girl who did that who wasn't annoying.

That shooting was the best thing that ever happened her. Without it, she'd just be another unknown dyke.

I want to fuck this guy.

“Gun and legislation expert”

"Cunt." - N DiPaolo