In-flight entertainment

1  2019-02-01 by SpudsCuckley


Why he denies owning one is beyond me. Especially when there's a photo of you posing with one.

Just admit it Anthony. I know you prowl here.

i love how when confronted about it he says "i think its something you stick your dick into" what a buffoon

"I think"

Nigga, if she found a sex toy in your closet, you know damn well how it works.

This is gonna make everyone sad but I'm pretty sure he had a Tenga egg

Tenga Eggs don't vibrate brah

She just assumed it was a vibrator.

Would love for Anth to go on the no fly list and Keith to get shot because their remote controlled sex toy is mistaken for a bomb

OP is Opie

Come on now, that’s clearly photoshopped. His face is way more pock marked than that obviously touched up photo.

I heard that before the money was all pissed away he used to employ the same guy who photoshops the cellulite off Kim Kardashian.

instagram & compound media are working together to create a NEW anthony cumia face filter. they're using new revolutionary technology to actually map the surface of mars on your own face


You are telling me there is a wired egg?

He needed the wireless so they don't see a wire coming out of his ass and assume he's taking down the plane.

That’s.... interestinggg

guys it feels good, it doesnt make you gay. so ive heard

reptilian ass bitch

In-flight entertainment for the non-white entertainer.

Its no fun since anthony got booted from twitter.

Hello? Eggsactly!

She just assumed it was a vibrator.