White supremacist raising future white supremacist

1  2019-02-01 by RelevantField


Don’t post the kids. For Fuck sake.

Heeeeey Joe

You’re a fucking idiot.

I agree with you, Joe. I'm coming to you with unclenched fists.

Agreed. Joe’s ex has been cool to us and given us dirt and hates joes guts more than any of us.

That alone should warrant the kid being blurred out.

Yep, she's said the main reason she's on this sub is to protect her daughter and because she appreciates us exposing what a despicable piece of shit Joe is. Her daughter's photos shouldn't be published here. It's not her fault her dad is scum.

You're serious? His ex is actually here?

Nothing wrong with except hes a nigger

Nah, when she grows up and starts to learn what a racist embarrassment her father is she'll get a black boyfriend and attend anti-gun protests

Dead eyes, like a bovine's eyes.

He's still figuring out how to obtain the adrenochrome

And he got the girl for AntH!

I couldn't disagree more.

Once little Layla is old enough to discern what a buffoon her father is, she'll rebel wholeheartedly against everything he's ever told her.

God bless /u/BeigeFrequency for all he does.

"Dad says he's a famous musician, I'm gonna go on Google and see HOW famous."

I hope so, for her sake. But some kids grow up to emulate their parents.

Look at Joe and Anthony themselves. Their father was a worthless unemployed sack of shit, and so are they.

Guy is just obsessed with having his awful mug in front of a camera, at all times.

And dragging his poor child into it. All she wants is to be at school on time.

The ultimate Cumia downfall will occur when Anthony fucks Layla on her twelfth birthday, causing he and Joe shoot each other to death (while Dawn gets fatally caught in the crossfire trying to get them to lay down their arms). All three Cumia kidz, bullet-riddled and dead in a pile. It'll be quite the reunion in the afterlife with mom and pop.

Joe is going to inadvertently push her right into leftist politics. How could it go any other way for this obnoxious boob?

His African features really pop when he is next to a white child.