Friends was overrated, but Chrissakes

1  2019-02-01 by SamRobertsSucks


That reads like satire

This reads like an article posted at a site like The Root. Whiny, racial belly aching. Friends was awful but not because it was too 'White'.


Isn't the dark haired guy the only Jew? I don't know much about that show.

I know as little as you but I would wager my immortal soul he ain't the only one.

The only real jew actor but the other characters were jews. Because some heeb casting agent wanted to fuck them.

Friends was a woman's show but it was objectively better-written than almost any other sitcoms at the time or even since. The bar is very low.

Of course the writer is from Brooklyn. All the wops must be pretty ticked that faggots took over their borough.

He's got a woppy last name himself

The headline says sorry but I don't think the author is sorry at all.

Think u may be on to something m8.

The only good thing about friends is Jennifer aniston's perky nipples.

Monica was hotter

That's a tough one man.

Wrong, and Aniston has held up a lot better.

Damn I thought Cox got kinda hotter in her post-Friends years. I haven't seen her lately, I just remember that Cougar Town show she was on. Is thinking Phoebe is underrated an obscure take?

Nah definitely underrated.

I don't think so. Pretty hot in Romi and Michelle's something or other.

no love for lisa kudrow?

she always looked like the kind of gal who’d ride up top and reach back to surprise you with a finger or two up the bum

I once found my dad looking up Lisa Kudrow porn

or two

Settle down.

I swear there's a whole generation out there that can't fathom the idea that there were other generations before them. They look into the past appalled that equal rights and forced diversity weren't a thing. They get angry at older southern people for having racists proclivities. Its fucking odd.

There were always resentful mediocrities in society, this is just the age where they are celebrated.

And have a “voice,” thanks to faggot social media

First of all, it should've been called "The White Foundling Fathers "

Nice Stalker Patty reference, stupid.

This article was written by a faggot from Brooklyn. Take it with a grain of salt.

3 rich Jewish kids from Scarsdale (Ross, Rachel, Monica) would only have friends that are rich Jews or wealthy WASPs. Likely they would never even be friends with a stereotypical ginzaloon from the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens & Staten Island like Joey.

Stop linking posts from these click bait sssscumbags.

Using the word problematic makes me wish bad shit on you.

Are normal people not allowed to have anything for themselves anymore?

They can have blame for niggers killing each other.

Any straight white male that votes Dem, should kill themselves. This is not conservatives and or Republicans writing dog shit like this. Having a group of white friends if you are white is now "problematic." I'm starting think that violence is the only solution to handle faggots like the one who write this piece of shit article. I'm not a huge Friends fan, but it was pretty good for the first 2-3 seasons. And it has been off the air for almost 15 years.

People always say there were no black friends but Joey even got his own show after.

This shit was from 2018 too.

Monica was hotter

no love for lisa kudrow?

she always looked like the kind of gal who’d ride up top and reach back to surprise you with a finger or two up the bum