Salut j'ai un message rapide pour vous Ang

4  2019-02-01 by GorramTimebomb


He played a great Valjean back in the day.

U aint l'homme

Tu fais les courses pour l'homme

He's still one of my favorite actors. He's in a movie from the 70s called Cold Cuts which is like a Coen Brothers movie before they even made movies.

I ❤ him. My parents sheltered the fuck out of me but for some reason they let me have the vhs of that movie where he fucks his teenage daughter. And now they make me justify letting my kods watxh PG13 superhero movies. Stfu.

There's a similar one called Tenue De Soirée (Ménage), just saw it the other day.

cot damn he got fucking fat

He said he drinks like 12 bottles of wine a day or some shit.

Can you image how bad this fat asshole smells?

i'm thinking like flop-sweat and poorly-wiped butthole

You’re a wordsmith

He had a "rural cuisine across Europe" show where all he did was slobber and smack his way through piles of food.

Do you think he might have a drinking problem?

There are industrial pipelines from his own vineyard to all his houses.

Well that just sounds smart.

Ça alors; là je dirais good point, mon ami.


You're missing the point, you reeking peasant.

Even I got that you wineslurping homo.

You watched it in VO?

I wasn't in a position to choose honey - Love that guy tho. Only frog that doesn't sound like a mo.

James Woods on prednisone

Nice corticosteroid, stupid.

More like Gerard DePar-DONT

It ain't pernunced dapperdoo Skippy

Tu fais les courses pour l'homme

You're missing the point, you reeking peasant.

Even I got that you wineslurping homo.