List of movies Jim Norton has seen.

1  2019-01-31 by RBuddCumia

A Clockwork Orange Full Metal Jacket (the first fifteen minutes) A Clockwork Orange A Clockwork Orange A Clockwork Orange Crash


My babysitter the tranny volumes 1-3

I Googled this if it’s a real thing. It’s not but tranny babysitters are a thing on porn sites apparently

His most recurring movie reference has to be Caligula.

Does porn count?


Jaws. Cuckoo’s Nest.

Has he seen Jaws? Or just heard Ant talk about it?

he's only seen bits of it

Don’t forget Vice Squad


Leave him alone! He had a drink 30 years ago! Hasn’t he suffered enough!

Zimas and Bartles & James wine coolers are no joke man

Goodfellas and The Godfather

Raging Bull

He's seen that a lot. Probably drooled at the title

Glen Gary Glennross

Apocalypse Now and JFK.

I know he’s seen Little Murders because it’s where he had all the random soundboard clips from. (When Jim & Sam was actually ok to listen to for the first 6 months)

Just watched Apocalypse Now, got pissed because my friend was too wasted to pay attention to Francis Ford Coppola’s greatest piece of cinema

The first time I saw it, I didn’t get it. I wanted it to be Platoon, and it was mostly naval gazing nonsense.

I watched it again a few months later and then signed up for film school.

Not so smart are you now AHHHH

I miss that one. Those drops were all great, they were so stupid.

It's a great movie, Little Murders.

goood eeevniing

Lies. He's only claiming to have seen this movies. He doesn't have time to watch movies while surfing the internet for webcam trannies.

*The first fifteen minutes of Full Metal Jacket

The third act of Raging Bull

The tranny scenes from Q & A

The rape scenes from A Clock Orange*

What is he 15?


*My Bodyguard "you're among friends Ricky"

Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park

The omen 2

You forgot 'The Crying Game' : that's his favorite one by far.

Some movie with a baby named Bubbles staring that spicy hispanic broad that Woody Harrelson was porking in White Men Can’t Jump.

Has Ozzy ever been in a movie?

He had a cameo in one of those Adam Sandler films

Adam really motherfucked Jim on that one.

Trick or Treat. It also had Gene Simmons.

He hasn’t even watched the Osbournes, which is baffling.

The Woodsman... for all the obvious reasons.

The Shining

I would bet money that Jim could name the author of A Clockwork Orange, without having to look it up.

Also, Jim prefers A Cockwork Orange.

Has he seen Jaws? Or just heard Ant talk about it?

Don’t forget Vice Squad