I think they’re loying.

1  2019-01-31 by RBuddCumia


wasn't he supposed to be clean?

Sober up in jail? Seems like sobering up in detox would be better, right?

I'm not an expert on New Jersey drug courts. But if he's paying for rehab they'd just send him to rehab. He's going to be a wreck detoxing from heroin, cocaine and Xanax, so why would they want to make him the state's problem if he has a heart attack detoxing in a cell, or kills himself if he can find a strong bed sheet? Then they'll be sued by Artie's leech family because Artie was a good boy who dindu nuffin.

They're holding him just a few days. Just like when Anthony went to rehab and got sober.

I hope he hangs himself. Fat fuck would probably just rip the sheets though.

Got it.

He's not arrested, he's just being held by corrections officers in a facility which he cannot leave.

Makes sense to me.

Enabling pieces of shit. Fuck his team.

Wasn't he sober when he had that court date and we got picks of his terrible nose? Did he fall off the wagon already?

No, he failed his drug test that time, and literally every single other time he went to court and had a drug test. He's been arrested for possession of extreme amounts of heroin like 4 times in the past 2 years, has been caught breaking probation about 8 times, and is just finally being incarcerated in any capacity.

Elite justice.