Why should he have to hand over evidence it happened? Sick of the popo always against the black man.

1  2019-01-31 by betamaxdrome


This guy's a riot

Because wypipo know liars when they see liars and this one is a certified liar.

Yeah but this is a white supremacy news site.

Brietbart? Come on...

Do you dispute the claims in the article or not? Otherwise stfu. If this turns out to be a black guy lying about white crime, you think CNN would cover that shit?

Another angry Alt Rightie who loves opinion "news" from an agenda driven proven fake news site. Even through in a CNN reference to seal the deal.

Hey faggot angry boy, is the investigation completed yet? Want to ignore the eye witness that saw two men outside the building at 1230am? The police confirming that multiple videos exist of persons of interest? Hmmm?

Go away little angry pup.


Oh noes they recovered my Grindr chat logs.

So the manager heard his client and maybe friend potentially being murdered on the phone but didn't call the police? I thought the first details that were released said that he went to a friends house after and called the cops.

If he didn’t want to physically give them his phone for privacy concerns, couldn’t he just log into his account and print/screen shot that section of the incoming/outgoing log?

These guys are not very good about lying about things are really easy to verify.

My hypothesis... he was cruising for weenies, hollered at the wrong dudes and got rolled. Then they pissed on him and that’s the “unknown chemical” he’s going on about.