Brother Joe is a rube.

1  2019-01-30 by IHateSherrod


What a dummy.

Ummph. Enough with the collectibles. It's just hoarding. It's not worth Jack shit

This is probably how he justifies taking money from Anth. “In 20 years, I’ll pay it all back, little bro!” Enjoy the 25 dollars that’ll get you, you fucking retarded monkey.

in 20 years he’ll be dead, god willing

probably double in price by the year 2100.

When the commemorative coin market takes off, watch out.

Joe is the type that believes the gold coin he is buying for twenty dollars is solid gold

When I saw the commercials as a child I used to believe that too. He isn't even a lovable buffoon


Layla’s inheritance is going to be a shed full of shitty Chinese guitars and some worthless presidential merch. Fucking idiot.

I can imagine a dumb 60 year old thinking this way, but advertising it? Bragging, even?

Anyday soon his daughters will go down the rabbithole looking at their dad online.

If they want to totally rebel against him, they'd go black & an O&A redditor... Layla Kuhn has a nice ring to it

There's nothing embarrassing about Joe on this sub. Just a bunch of stuff about him definitely NOT being a pedophile.

He's so retarded he even brag about not crying at the dentist lol

I don't have to work, asshole. I've got that closet full of beanie babies, probably worth like 100 bajillion dollars now

Joe would be long dead by the time those would be worth anything. It's not going to be worth hundreds in 10 years, if it's ever worth that much it'll take like 50 years

They’ll never be worth anything, this cheap shit is sold to dumb tourist all day long here in DC.

Yeah give it 118 years and those classy playing cards might be worth $22 like this is.

When JFK died my parents bought all sorts of commemorative junk. So did everyone else. When they died everything but the half dollars went into the trash, it's all worthless.


My retirement plan is a case of Soul Asylum refrigerator magnets.

I slept on “Someone To Shove” in the 90s, but goddamn did I rediscover that song recently. I hadn’t heard it in probably 15 years, but it’s more solid than I remember.


Stipend checks coming a little later than usual, Joe??

I just sent Joe's email address to Don West. Don owes me a bunch of money and I figure this is the quickest way to get it back.

Hey just noticed.. it's your 1st Cakeday B0NEck! hug

His daughter will light her first cigarette with "one of these babies" and toss the box in the trash.

Surely taking the cards out of the box and getting child spit residue all over them increases the value

Joe invests in tchotchkes, Tony invests in Compound Media. A regular brain trust, the family Cumia. Atleast Roe invested in freebase.


Maybe an official MAGA cap will be memorabilia someday. But this crap? No

IDK those things are so easily reproduced. It’s like shitty hats you can have made on the spot at the mall.

Authentic ones wouldn't lose value, my dude. There's a lot of chink versions of collectible gook toys, but the authentic gook toys don't lose value just because a chink factory made one.

This widely available merch is going to be worth a lot of money in the future.

This retard really is a retard.

"Be dialing!"


This was like my plan when I was like 9 and planning on retiring from my SkyBox and Upper Deck investments.

With sound investments like these its no wonder Joe isnt a millionaire

"Blinded by their emotions" he screams as he collects stuff with another man's face on it.

....and yet if you asked Joe if he wanted to buy any former president's branded crap, he'd say "no".

All that time on his hands, absolutely no self-reflection.

This crap is worthless and will only go down in price. Also Joe is 5 years away from a heart attack due to increased heart rate at a Big Apple Ranch Cosplay event. He won't even live long enough to see the price go down.

THIS is what he was itching to post once his Facebook ban was up.

What a fucking old kook.

This was in his alternate account since his main one still wasn’t opened. I’ve been blocked from his main but am lucky enough to be friends on his alt.

A true patriot, you are.

Worth remembering that poor ol' Nana is sinking financially and struggling to pay taxes on his McMansion while providing welfare checks for this imbecile.

this is his version of playing the stock market, which he doesnt do because he's too dumb to know how

unnaturally stupid.

They have those cards in 711

I know the most about technology the most about the military the most about....shut the fuk up you dolt

He's stupid...

I bet he has a beat up copy of Thriller on vinyl that he's saving as his nest egg.

Very wasteful

Anyone who loves a politician enough to buy themed chotchkes of them is worse than a retard.

Only the hat is likely to have any value in the future because it's iconic. Especially those limited ones, like the green clover edition. But this junk is gadzooks level garbage. Probably worth as much as a Ren and Stimpy keychain.

Stop it, retard. No normal person cares about this shit as much as fucking dumbasses like you. A $2 hat will never gain value.

Normal people don't care

No shit, faggot. You wind up selling shit like MAGA hats decades from now at gun shows and flea markets to autistic boomers.

These are bound to shoot up in value.

Great way to invest your allowance.....

I paid off my mortgage last week when I finally sold a mint in box Nixon thermos I was hanging on to.

Nice investment, stupid.

“Swag”. Didn’t know people use this word

I just can’t believe how many days in a row I’ve gone saying “that’s it, Joe can’t possibly get any dumber...” If I were Ant, I’d be on the phone with my accountant to stop payments the second I saw this post.

What a fucking historic moron

Fucking cunt continuing to try and benefit off someone else once again. Of course, it’s never about just having a piece of soon to be controversial history. He’s already counting the shekels he hopes to get one day from it. Would never leave it for Layla to possibly benefit from it if it ever were to become valuable either.

Damn , I guess we should all feel pretty stupid for calling him a loser. That’s genius. I just wonder if it’s too late to get in on this sure thing. I have 80 grand I was going to invest in properties and stocks but I’m thinking that money would be better spent on mass produced knick-knacks made in China.

Just like how Pogs and Beanie Babies become hot investments, Joe?

Similar scaled resale value to a used KISS coffin

No one can possibly be this fucking stupid. All that garbage just represents another trip to the trash can for his daughter an hour after they plop his particle board casket in the ground. Filling old water jugs with pennies is a better investment.

All you have to do is add the word "collectible" to whatever shit you sell, and dumb child spit caper Joe will buy it thinking it will pay for his daughter to fail in college.

A fool and Ant's money are easily separated.

So he buys his investment collectables from an dirty booth along the side of the road? Also, he then decides to open it which negates any 'value' it had in the first place. What a maroon.