Kevin Hart shows support for a gay dude... And gets bashed for it. These faggots really do look for any reason to be outraged about something.

1  2019-01-30 by joonyourmnt


I’m starting to think is the reason people hate gay people is not because of what they do sexually but how they act and “everything” that comes with dealing with these kinda people. No punchline, that’s really what I think.

It's ALMOST like it's a symptom of a mental disorder...

too bad no one ever thought of that in the history of the world.

Punchline is not the preferred nomenclature, denouement if you will.

You can never win with these people.

Kevin really can't win here.

They only beat the gay guy up because Kevin Hart made gay jokes. Whenever I hear a comedian make fun of gays, I immediately leave the show and head to Big Apple Ranch on a punching spree. I can't control myself, it's like The Manchurian Candidate.

I'm the same way, as soon as I saw his tweet I went to go find a gay to bash.

Joe punches gay dudes using the back of his troath and asshole in that place

That’s what he gets for supporting that hoax

When did he mention the holocaust?

I like Kevin Hart but he deserves this hate. Fucking idiot thinks he can placate these morons? They are deranged.

Yea, I am not jumping on the Hart support bandwagon. Have fun though, guys. Kevin Hart sucks.

Yeah I agree. The attacks against him are absurd, though

He does suck, but the people bashing him over this suck more. So I guess we just call them all faggots and let them fight amongst themselves.

Thats my thinking also. The people hating on him are beyond stupid. But Hart is the most manufactured star I have seen in awhile. He should've expect this going against the Jews that made him famous

He should've expected this going against the Jews that made him famous

He could ask Bill Cosby what happens...

That faggot actor is making up the attack scenario. Wouldn’t be surprised if the whole thing was complete bullshit. “This is MAGA country”? Lmfao gtfo.

When it does turn out to be false, the morons eating this shit up, will have fallen for no less than 3 fucking fake stories in the span of two weeks.

They don't even care that the MAGA kids was a fake story, they're still running with it. Facts don't matter to these faggots.

feelz over reelz

When it comes out that this thing was a hoax, every public figure who tweeted about it will pretend like it never existed. No accountability.

Didn’t it come out that they never even said MAGA?

They can't find proof of anything beyond he flagged a cop while wearing a noose around his neck and had a scratch on his face. The area had cameras everywhere and there's no assault shown.

He didn't flag down a cop, his friend called them while what's-his-face was in his apartment.

Even more bullshit sounding.

No, turns out they allegedly did but the fag added that detail in a later police report

Nice faggot being a faggot, stupid.

These guys really deserve to get fucked up the ass.

What a setup by CAA>CIA to justify stifling free speech and the criticism of, backlash against, gay pedos.

Niggers gonna nog.

Black people are retarded but gay black people? Nearing Joe level stupidity.

How can the headline call it a 'homophobic attack' when the motive hasn't been established yet by police? Seems like the news is jumping the gun. Hopefully they correct this error!

It's so brave that these celebrities come out and decry this "hate crime," yet when stories of white people getting beaten to a pulp with eyewitnesses at the scene (or better yet caught on video) saying it was simply because they were white, you don't seem to hear a word.

Can you give an example, it sounds far fetched

Its so hard to even follow this story, because every headline refers to them as "juveniles" and "teens," but if it was a white person that did it, that would be the first words in the headline. "White cop shoots black teen," etc. If it's the other way around, (((they))) do everything they can to obscure it. They beat the shit out of these poor kids, for no other reason than they were white, and it's in the video. Not a fucking peep from anyone about THIS story, though.

Here's one in Baton Rouge, where some fucking animals beat the shit out of a whole family at a gas station, simply because they were white. This was as pure of a hate crime as you could possibly fathom, yet it "didn't meet the criteria for a hate crime." How convenient! How do you think this would have gone if the roles were reversed, and a black family was beat up by whites for no other reason than "being in the wrong neighborhood?"

It's not only whites, I'm a brown dude who got in a fight with 10 black 16 year olds for just responding to their random insult. Super aggressive cunts for no reason

That stinks. Did they fuck you up?

Nah I managed to signal my friend who were in a car outside but in the end I had to factor in the guys were right outside my apartment building for some reason and I didn't want to make this a Somalian bloodfued looking over my shoulder everyday so I puasied out. Maybe it was for the best, the evening would have ended with a knife in my stomach or worse

It's so brave that these celebrities come out and decry this "hate crime"

Well to be fair it did involve a high profile victim. The story you linked to was a bunch of nobodies in Baton Rouge from six years ago.

Celebrities lives are worth more than “real people,” I guess.

For social media virtue points, definitely.

bigotry of low expectations. when blacks or latinos commit these crimes it's because "they don't know any better", but if a white person looks at a native american the wrong way, then of course "he should have known better!" in a way they're admitting that black people being violent is just a normal part of life.


Even Ellen is probably muttering "these fucking faggots need to take it down a notch" after getting roped into this. They really act as if Kevin Strung up two gays in the middle of breadway and beat them to death with a stick.

If he did, it would be the funniest thing he did in the past 10 years.

I thought midgets were on the protected list?

This is what celebrities get for whoring themselves out on social media. When you decide to use social justice as a means to maintain or increase your fame, realize that you're choosing to interact with millions of mentally ill people.

Man, jews have done such a number on this country, it makes my head spin.

fuck, stupid midget faggot

oh i apologise for the gay tweets

i stand up for what'shisface's fabricated story


When did he mention the holocaust?

I like Kevin Hart but he deserves this hate. Fucking idiot thinks he can placate these morons? They are deranged.

Thats my thinking also. The people hating on him are beyond stupid. But Hart is the most manufactured star I have seen in awhile. He should've expect this going against the Jews that made him famous