Reminder: This queer believes that people who don’t have children are inferior to those who do.

1  2019-01-30 by graemelloydforever


Nice taking a bite out of crime, McStupid

He got BTFO'd by a fucking girl

Western chauvinist faggot

It's their badge of honor in their own minds for giving up on enjoying life. Not everyone wants to have a bunch of shitty kids with John Redcorn.

He's a faggot, but he's right. If you don't reproduce, all of your ancestors' work was for nothing.

Fuck your ancestors. If they could have gotten pussy all the time instead of raising shitty kids, they would have.

Sounds like you’ve really thought this through.

In your case, clearly it was a waste of time. I'm talking about for normal people.

Yeah, because incels are known to sire lots of kids.

Not all of our ancestors were rapist like in your case. And the fact you claim to be get some on the reg terrifies me.

Any traveler worth his salt knows he’s in Sedona by the rock formation behind him. We don’t need the Sedona t-shirt as an added reminder, stupid.

That having been said, faggot Gavin is right on this one. OP who I’m assuming is college-aged is inferior to Gavin and that’s got to sting.

I hope you find out that your kids aren't your kids after it's too late.

A childless faggot talking about deathbed woes.

Wow, didn't realize we had so many proud parents in this sub. Lol, I'm so young that me having a child would be deemed irresponsible by old people like you. Have kids, don't have kids I don't give a fuck but let's not pretend that many people have them because they didn't accomplish shit or don't accomplish shit because they had them. Being a parent is not the only meaningful way to exist on this planet.

I'm so young I can't even have them, but I have an opinion.

I hope your deathbed is the bottom of a well.

Your kids suck as much as you do.

Maybe he's got a point. Jim and Nana don't have kids, but our overlord Hughes has 2. Really makes you think.

When you said overlord I thought you were gonna say Mel who has like 12.

Yaah. Just up vote.

People who make "childfree" their whole identity are just as bad

Agreed. How about people who make "quattofree" their whole identity?

I get not having kids and that's just the end of it, but the people who are evangelical about it are really advertising some kind of thinly veiled damage.

I read an article on some god awful website where a bitch was going on and on about how she was saving the planet by not having kids. I left a comment letting her know that no one wanted to see her ugly mug on a baby anyways. Went back to check on it and she had changed her profile pic to one that didn't show her face. One of my proudest moments.

saving the planet (which none of her genetics will be there to see), that's like washing a stranger's balls then not sucking his cock, what a dope.

You know, I just wanted to let you know that I’m sorry that people give you so much shit around here. You’re actually really cool and you’d be welcomed into my subreddit anytime. I mean you’d have your own “coloreds” section of course, but regardless you’d be allowed to have a presence :)

Stupid cunt was right. We don't need her retarded genes living on.

I agree. Chelsea Handler.

The whole childfree thing is idiots who want a pat on the back because they've internalized population control propaganda. It runs contrary to the instincts of literally every organism on the planet to be proud of not reproducing.

they should internalize a big pecka, amirite?!?

Nah. They just use that propaganda to rationalize their inability to attract a worthwhile partner and/or inability to commit to anything and shoulder responsibility. It's always good to be righteous, not just a loser.

You're both right, actually.

Especially when whites are not reproducing enough to replace ourselves and browns are having 9 kids.

It Does make it harder for you to drive them into the river I guess

/r/childfree might be the gayest place on reddit

Not exactly what I was expecting but it is very cringe.

spider man pointing meme

I don't know, this site is a giant cesspool of gay humanity.

true but anywhere that "dog moms" can congregate should be in the running

After having kids you realize those people, gay couples and those with puppy children are the gayest people on earth.

Exactly. It's just so shallow to think being able to spend your time and money any way you want is the definition of happiness and nothing else could possibly be more fulfilling

Here’s a riddle for you:

Why would you want to have a kid? Seriously.

Some people make good parents. Most don't, but some do. And I'd rather see good people being raised than another man child going on about the latest anime or a lonely girl dressing up her cat.


Yeah, I'm better off calling Norton a fruit again, I suppose.

Since I'm from Seattle, I know this well. My entire circle of friends is like that.

At first, it seems exciting. For instance, one friend of mine lived overseas for a year, and then spent some time in Egypt.

But then it devolves into them doing the same shit, year after year. One of my friends is visiting Antarctica this week... again.

And I know that OP will think "that sounds fucking great, travel the world and fuck bitches woot!" But it just gets monotonous. I can't think of a single person who's done that for decades that didn't wind up miserable. Charlie Sheen and Jim Norton are two obvious examples.

Nice autobiography, St. Augustine.

Who does he think he is? Sir Walter Raleigh?

Only betas larp as hedonists. Family is the key to defeat Satan

only if you sacrifice your first born

You gotta have a high opinion of yourself to consciously choose to reproduce.

As a sperm donor I believe I'm pretty awesome.

OP proved his faggotry in front of his brethren

I shudder at the thought of any of you reproduced. Luckily this sub is 99 percent homosexual brits now, so that is very unlikely.

Canadian fag pretending to be tough American patriot

people without kids are superior on so many levels. If you have kids you should be paying more taxes, not be able to write them off for tax credits, thats some bullshit right there. Maybe if people were taxed MORE per kid we wouldnt have so many god damn single mommies out there collect welfare and going to the compound. So many pro choice dems, so little abortions. Perplexing.

How's the libertarian party looking for 2020?


You do realize you get a tax credit for having a child because you have created a new tax payer who will generate the government millions of dollars in revenue over its lifetime.

that is literally the DUMBEST thing Ive ever heard, most of your kids are going to become convicts and leeches. Wanna try again?

This is literally the law. Hence why you get a marriage licence. You are forming a ‘company’, the product of your company is children, i.e. new tax payers. This is why they are given a social security number at birth. That social security card is a security that is monetized according to the estimated amount of money the person will generate for the government over their lifetime and traded. Your emotional reactions aside, this is how things work.

whether it actually the reason or not its just fucking stupid. People with kids are the ones needing the majority of resources to be paid into. They should pay more, people with NO kids are the ones who should get write offs..... If that logic is to stand (what you present) then your corporation should be fined when your kids do something fucking dumb. You should be paying for what you use. The same way I also believe if you send your kids to a private school you should be able to write that off against taxes to be paid into the public school system (basically 529) .

So the entire Middle East and Africa are superior to the average western couple by a factor of about 10? Nice logic there stupid

The future belongs to those who show up. What difference does your IQ make if you're "too smart" to pass it on to the next generation? If anything, it's more embarrassing that even those savages can figure that out better than the average "enlightened" westerner.

Okay but to extrapolate that further, frogs have hundreds of offspring, dogs have half a dozen. So frogs are superior to dogs, and humans, according to this paradigm.

No but frogs with lots of offspring are superior to frogs with fewer.

Ok, fair point. I still disagree with the premise, because we have a culture which idolizes massive douchebags over actual intelligent and productive people. But I guess I cant argue that people who have the most offspring are superior in the category of having the most offspring.

There's a difference between saying "having more kids is better" and saying "having kids is better than not having kids." I don't think people should have more kids than they can handle, but if they're "too selfish" or whatever to reproduce at all, they should fix whatever personal issue is preventing them from fulfilling their biological imperative rather than continuing to live like a stupid asshole.

Exactly it took the Israelis like a generation to figure out what the Palestinians were up to and adapt accordingly. But nah let’s give our patrimony away for some chaturbate tokens.

biologically they are.

I like Gavin, but it was convenient that he said the minimum number of kids you had to have to not be a loser was 3 when he just happens to have 3 kids.

coincidence goy.

The reason people have so much time to protest, push politically correct agenda, bitch about politics, whine on twitter all day is because they're not having children. It's one of the few things Gavin is 100% right about.

He's right he just missed the whole part where you're supposed to have children with humans and not featherniggers

This nigga Dwight Shrute

I don’t want kids either but antinatalists and childfree people are in one gigantic, insufferable circle jerk.

Personally I assume my shitty, depressed, alcoholic genes will just infect the next generation and I’ll just produce another mediocre life so what’s the point. I don’t give a shit about any of the romantic ra ra bullshit about carrying on the work of my ancestors or producing the next generation that will hopefully make the world a better place, it’s fundamentally shitty no matter how much technology grows, life is suffering. If you’re not struggling to meet your basic needs you’re adrift in existential doom and pointless searches for meaning.

When that’s the way I feel about life, I don’t want to invest all of my time and money into raising a whiny little fucking brat. I’m not even sure that I want to be alive, I couldn’t handle another life.

Still, on some level I know it’s all just an after the fact rationalization because no girl would want to reproduce with me anyway. And I also know that once I’m older and shutting down and my friends and family are gone there won’t be anyone who gives a shit about me left, so this is all gonna end with a big hole in my head around 65-70 years old.

Oh well. I’ll have more disposable income and sleep better at night in the meantime.

Thank you. At least you put some thought into it. Meanwhile there's people popping out fatherless babies constantly left and right collecting welfare.

Stick to the plan.

Well at least you've got a good attitude

Ok but where is Rich Vos playing this weekend?

Sounds kinda anti-natalist bruh

It sucks because I actually agree with the philosophy, I’m just saying that the way people espouse it is faggy.

What you wrote rings true with me, I feel similarly. I was just bein queer is all.

How many women have you entered? Only counting with their knowledge

  1. I'm fat, little to no confidence. Could be worse though. Could still be a virgin.

I dont know might be better to not know what your missing. Just stop drinking soda and walk around the block a couple times before bed and Boom, you’ll be fucking 3’s again in no time

You got a point

Only thing that ever loosened me up socially enough to get a girl was booze, but I had to quit drinking because I'm an alchie. Also got the herps from one of the handful of girls I banged so that's another strike against me. Woe is me.


Lots of bitter parents in the replies here. Emotional faggots look at their little screaming shitbags and get all teary eyed while they're financially draining you and will most likely give you the Cumia Boys treatment later in life.

You're not worth being remembered dummies

They fail to realize that nobody gives a flying fuck about their shitty offspring except for them. The same fags love to rationalize why others don't have kids by saying garbage like "That's because nobody wants to have sex with you" or "I guess you're just not responsible enough". It's on par with saying somebody lives in their mom's basement. Listen nigga, retarded people like Joe have kids, it's not difficult and you're not special

Is that where he's hiding after wetting his pants and giving all his "Proud Boys" up to the NYPD?

I would love to hear more hot tips from the guy who went from the being a founder of one of the biggest media companies of the last 20 years to being a talking head on shitty Conservative media web shows and being ostracized in his own neighborhood.

He also actively bills himself as "Pro- Israel". He's a fucking dipshit. I'm glad he's been deplatformed.

“Who are you going to believe?! A 96th airborne veteran..... father of FOUR!!!.....”

This is why he is trying so hard to impregnate other men. He can't figure out why it isn't working.

Well some of you probably shouldn't have kids but he's right.

Having kids is the gayest thing you can do, aside from getting married.

That's actually one of the things that follows if you accept some sort of evolutionary mechanism at work in the world.

It's not even the slightest bit of a controversial statement.

Mike Judge made a movie about it.

His shirt needs more words on it.

Gavin is a faggot

He married and reproduced with a fat asian.

Women are superior because they can create life. Men are fools who are ruled by their wiener and are uncapable to do anything of significance. Everything men do is to get the attention of women. Gavin is a fag who wishes he could give birth & have meaning in his life.

Is this the real Ku?


I'd agree. Not procreating is just losing at life.

A childless faggot talking about deathbed woes.

I hope your deathbed is the bottom of a well.

Yeah, I'm better off calling Norton a fruit again, I suppose.