
1  2019-01-30 by McGowan9


He shouldn't have given Kelsey Cook access to his account.

Her flaunting her tits and lying about her night is far preferable to this 90s brick wall comedy club level shit.

Why don't they make the whole plane out of the black box LOL

What about those peanuts?!

u/SamsWhiteSeedNight is a better name.

Yes sir. This is good.

Nah, if this was Kelsey Cook, it would have been an anecdote about her craaaazy life and probably alcohol-related.

"I got so drunk at the grocery store last night that I walked up to a koala bear and gave it a blowjob while singing the Star Spangled Banner! Only in my life!"

Yassss slayy Queen - prolly a reply from her dumb cunt instagram fans


The girl beside her on the plane would be a politician or lawyer.

Take THAT, politicians and lawyers!

He really taught those adults with graduate degrees and professional careers a thing or two!

These politicians and lawyers are really the worst ammirite guys????? Also, women be shopping!

And they certainly be diff’rnt from men!

Have you ever notice how white people drive like this

And black people drive like thiiisss?

It's TRUE! It's TRUE! We're so lame.

You ever been to the airport? The loudspeaker sounds like Charlie Brown’s teacher! What’s that about?

Glad someone finally took them down a peg

More like poopy people!!

Yeah fuck those lawyers that help convict pedophiles and rapists to lengthy terms. Jim is lucky he didn't need a fucking lawyer to help his ass out when he stole 60,000 dollars from his fanbase.

Gyp Gypperson

What do you call 5000 dead lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start! LOL

What’s black and brown and looks good on a lawyer? A German shepherd! Anyway, folks, I was fucking a tranny in a bathtub full of AIDS the other night....

Wow there, don't go after such sacred cows

I read a cool story about a Catholic girl who would pray to on her rosary every night who was about to be killed by Bundy but he ran from her after he sensed a force in the room. He still thought about it in prison and sought out a Cardinal or Monsignor for advice.

Get a rosary and start praying to St. Mel folks. It could save your life -- let alone your soul.

Some social anthropologists think vampire and werewolf myths were our primitive ancestors way of rationalising serial killers, so maybe it works both ways.

That's an interesting theory. I always thought Vampires were just a grab bag of assumptions people had about Jews in the Middle Ages but yeah that's interesting.

There's also quite a lot of symbolism about sexual disease within vampire mythology obviously. Blood, infection, young maidens getting bitten etc

There's also Porphyria and premature burial due to a poor understanding of death; every now and then, they'd dig up a coffin only to find the occupant had been clawing at the inside trying to get out - a clear sign of the undead...

Ah, I remember reading "Porphyria's Lover," in like 10th grade. Good shit.

I love how the jews have been hated aince day 1. It really justifies everything to me. They r simply a terrible people

Even fucking Tacitus 2000 years ago had the exact same complaint. Too clannish, too avaricious and too fanatical. It's the same three threads that, as far as I've learned, make up all serious dislike for them. 110 is coming soon unfortunately for them.

There have been claims that part of the vampire myth relates to drinking blood for the adrenochrome produced in the bloodstream during moments of extreme terror, which produces a hallucinogenic effect. It has also been speculated that this is why rabbis suck the blood during circumcision rituals and by extension the ritual murder accusations those people received (which they call "blood libel") throughout history. It sounds crazy, but I wouldn't put it past them.

I can’t think of another reason why a holy man would want to suck on a tiny boy’s pecker.

You can't?

It's a two-for-one special in their culture, and you know how much they love deals.

Adrenochrome is fictional, nice Fear and Loathing reference stupid

Nice 2 seconds of research, stupid. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenochrome

Desktop link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenochrome

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Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). The derivative carbazochrome is a hemostatic medication. Despite a similarity in chemical names, it is unrelated to chrome or chromium.

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Fuck. It's not hallucinogenic though. But I already lost :(

It is. The scientists Abraham Hoffer and Humphrey Osmond wrote about their experiments with it in a book called "The Hallucinogens" from 1967.

They also use the term psychotomimetic, meaning it mimics psychosis and causes delirium in addition to hallucinations. This term was later replaced with "psychedelic," which was a marketing term to make these drugs more appealing to people.

Vampires definitely come from Jewish lore.

Look up how much of a history they have in terms of getting kicked out of places for blood rituals.

It goes very deep. Ashkenazi jews tend to have genetic disease they are born with that is only helped by blood. Tay Sachs I think it’s called. There was another disease as well.

Ashkenazi also are predisposed to having higher rates of mental illness and schizophrenia.

Theres a reason why vampires in lore always hate the Christian cross....

It goes all the way back to Neanderthals vs cro magnons. Neanderthals are ancient Jewish dna. We had thousands of years of Neanderthals vs cro magnons. Cro magnons won this battle but Neanderthal dna still exists modern day and they don’t forget the ancient battles they’ve had. It’s why jews and gentiles don’t get along and never will. It’s in our dna.

Neanderthals would attack during the night which gave vampires their nocturnal characterization and the cro magnons would have animals like big dogs that would alert them if things like raids were about to go down.

Adding to this- modern day jews aren’t the same jews from the Bible. They don’t share a genetic link. I suspect the original Jews, God’s people, have their dna extinct. Their closet link is Ethiopians.

Modern day jews, the ones that call themselves the real authentic Jews, Ashkenazi, come from Khazaria. Migrated from the caucus mountain range they retreated to after cro magnons defeated them and forced them into hiding. The khazarians were wicked people. They were forced to pick up religion by their neighbors(muslims/Christians) at some point and chose to combine their vampire type practices outlined in the Talmud to Judaism.

These are your modern day Ashkenazi jews. Former Neanderthals/Pharisees that adopted Judaism in the Middle Ages. Not ancient biblical Jews. The elites from the Khazaria that escaped that area are your Rothschilds.

Are you trying not to say wandering Jew?

or maybe there are vampires and werewolves you heretic

Perhaps more than that..



No way Mel would never demand something from his fellow Christians.

Cool story, stupid.

It's a standard joke that received a standard non-commital grunt from.yours truly.

Bundy had way more charisma than Norton could ever dream of. You think Norton is convincing anyone into getting in his car?

Bundy was charismatic, no doubt, but his way of convincing young women to get in his car usually involved smashing them over the head with a crow bar.

Which is probably still the best way Norton will get another date.

This guy gets a new girl every night!

He was such a generous lover that the girls he picked up never had sex with another guy again. Ted was an impossible act to follow.

Another guy didn't have sex with them. But Bundy did. Again and again.

Lawyers and politicians are so bad.....

This is, no joke, no exaggeration, the worst joke I've ever heard Jim make.

This is beyond hack.

A joke so "good" he bypassed chipper and tweeted it as himself.

Bundy maintained long term relationships while he did his dirty work on the side. More than Norton can say for himself.

Jim Norton originally wanted to be a Jerky Boy.

he's a jerk all right

clown horn

Look at that first reply. That's a perfect representation of all the fans Norton has left. The only people who think Jim is edgy or Chip is funny are the same rubes making pun chains on Reddit.

two jews walk into a bar honk honk gimmie those ribs you

Next up on his repertoire: if con is the opposite of pro, what is the opposite of progress?

Going backwards

Whoa there, kid! Save these gems for the show!


Jim Norton originally wanted to be a forklift operator. Ultimately he was fired and became a prop comic who pays men for sex.

A lot of comedians are really unfunny.

Man. You gotta say this about Norton. Ted Bundy jokes never go out of style, right?

649 idiots clicked Like.

“Lawyers, amiright?”

I'm confident his fri/sat nights are filled with contributions to society

Next he’ll discuss the wacky nature of how we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway.

Who did he rip that joke from? Or was it in a joke book from 1978?

Looks like those clowns in congress did it again. What a bunch of clowns.

Don't praise the machine.



"I read a lot about serial killers," said the middle school kid with Rock Band t-shirts

I bet more chicks would sleep with bundy than jim just on looks alone.

If you ever want a clearcut example of how stupid women can be, just watch the interviews with the groupies who came to ogle Bundy at his first trial in Florida. You know, the one where he was being tried for going room to room in a sorority house and beating the brains in and biting chunks out of young women who looked just like them. The dumb cunts even admitted to being as terrified of him as they were attracted to him, it's hilarious. Utter self-loathing.

More would sleep with Bundy in his current state than would sleep with Jim.

what a basic bitch twitter joke

jesus jimmy

Nice faggot being a faggot, stupid.

Tell ya what, I liked this Bundy guy a lot more when he just stayed home with his hand in his pants insulting his wife Peggy!

Does anybody remember laughter?

Lawyers and lawmakers are worse than a serial killer? You know, that's a tough one..

LMAO. I love this title. Jim, thats fuckin lazy brother


.............. WOULDJA????? WOODJA????

good-bi whorses..


i'm funnier than that and i'm retarded


wow jim stinks... bad joke..

There’s no doubt that he posted that with a “mic drop” attitude behind it. Yuck.

Which is probably still the best way Norton will get another date.

This guy gets a new girl every night!