Taking his head off a swivel, the brothaman only looks forward

1  2019-01-30 by olgravylegs


I believe Ope


The destroyer has never steered us wrong in the past. He’s a true leader of men.

You think anyone from that show remembers Gregg Hughes? God damn liar

Opie has always been everyone's favorite on O&A because of his genuine and truthful interactions with fans.


If you guys don't see the brilliance of this tweet here it is. He knows they will never acknowledge him so he says this and looks like a fucking rockstar that wouldn't stoop to what amounts to eating crumbs. Brothaman is on fire.

Or it could just be him continuing a 20 year streak of pathologically lying about everything.

That's just what he wants you to think

Head on a swivel.

Ya really wanna go there?

Howard literally said last week he doesn't care about either Opie or Anthony and that he could have gotten them both fired at any time and just didn't care enough

I too put gag orders on people I don't care about or could have fired at any time.

You still listen to Howard Stern?

Not religiously and never the guests. This was during the news, if that makes it better

Know what day it was who was guest?

What made him bring them up?

They were discussing holding grudges and if Howard felt he was still in any fueds with anyone, the story was about someone trying to get someone else fired

He's lying.

Enough already with this guy. Didn't you people get everything you needed out of him? He's embarrassed Jim, Sam and Anthony enough. Who fucking cares what he's doing now. It doesn't change the fact that he's a hackaroo, who does radio with other hackaroo's.


Oh God, once you know Opie is a compulsive liar seeing tweets like this genuinely make me laugh. What a dope.


The thing is there is a small chance that this is true - I know no one has listened to Howard in ages, but he's got some newfags on staff who would actually think this would be a good idea in between playing Red Dead 2 and Jerking Off to Assassins Creed porn.

It's amazing that some of you think he's being serious/lying.....of course he's fucking around

Potentially not bullshit: that unlistenable wrap-up show that is just Baba Booey and John Hein kissing Howard's ass for an hour will have any c-lister on.

He always looked straight forward, like most autistics.


for It's Just Wrong when his daughter is old enough

Alpha as fuck

Know what day it was who was guest?