If you take a swing at a man like a man don't be surprised if you end up on your ass

1  2019-01-30 by Pudshark


Viewers on social media were equally disgusted.

Barbara Dowler said: 'To hear the laughing makes my blood boil.'

Erica Felix wrote: 'I can't believe that all those people just stood there. They should all be ashamed and charged as well as the man who hit the two women.'

Lori Sullivan said: 'Sickening to watch. What a pathetic person and how disheartening that no one did or said anything to that weak man. Unbelievable.'

Haha these women are so stupid and oblivious

If it were my bitch I would have put a noose around his neck and told him it's MAGA time. But it seems perhaps these hooers deserved it.

Ew, no you wouldn’t have tubby

Fleeing the scene of the crime after an assault is hilarious in a the wicked flee when none pursueth kind of way.

I’ve not seen this video before. The way he just casually jogs off. Nigga is a winner, he really is.

He’s clearly done this before. His adrenaline didn’t even spike.

I got a ‘down goes Frazier’ vibe.

It looks and sounds like he instigated that. I can't blame the girl in white for trying to fight back.

Me neither. I like her moxie she didn’t call out for a white Knight she just try to do her level best.

I didn't watch the video or read the article but perhaps a digit-by-digit lynching is in order? Let me know- I got a rope guy that sells it wholesale.

every man who punches a woman is a champion of gender equality and holding people accountable for their words and actions

social justice for all

I'm sure women will champion this Social Justice hero - his steadfast determination to see people for who they are and not what society tells us they are is admirable and heroic.


'Police are now hunting the suspect, who took off on foot and was last seen running into traffic'

Classic n-person

Hate to be the douche who says it, but apparently this dude did a MGTOW and gloriously jogged into the night.

He is doing dirkdirkistan proud.

Lmao no one even tried to stop him LA cowards