What’s the haps?

1  2019-01-30 by RBuddCumia


I'm familiar with more primitive hominids and I still couldn't believe this was real until I confirmed

It took me a long time to find one as ugly and dopey looking as Sam. Neanderthal’s are way too advanced looking to be compared with Samoerectus.

It's too uncanny, like the artist is trolling us.

It still looks better than Sam Erectus, but you did your best.

He would have probably have been a more charming radio personality too.

More sophisticated diet

Ackhsually I am reading a book about this shit and these hunter and gatherers always moved around so their diet had more variety than what reasonable adults eat nowadays let alone an overgrown humonculus who only eats deep fried breaded processed meats and curly fries.

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind?

Yes. But don't tell anyone on this sub the author is very (((problematic))).

Ahh so homo insidious.

goat laugh

Jesus christ LOL

God really fucked you sam Roberts With those historically bad looks and awful nasally high voice.

But God made up for it by giving him a charming personality, quick wit, and a great-sounding laugh.

His poor child... 🙁

Yeah it's a tough one, he really motherfucked him.

God's a ssssssccccuuuuummmmmmbbbbbaaaaaaggg!


That is so fucking funny

Simian Roberts

Is that Rogans wife???

The mouth is exactly the same HAHAH HO LEE SHIT!!

The eyes are wrong; he's got Ron Perlman eyes, rather than Sam's sad Harry-and-the-Henderson's eyes.

This guy has life and soul in his eyes. Not accurate enough.

Someone please shop Sam's matted pube beard on this thing.

Far too good looking (and evolved) to be Sam.

Dammit! I can never tell if these pics of Sam have been photoshopped or not.

Thought it was Leslie Jones for a minute

I think it's L3'4

More sophisticated diet