Two faggots

1  2019-01-30 by pentrix


Good, it’s about time Judd Apatow started talking about himself.

Judd Apatow looks like a finger


Fags who fuck together, film together.

I'm sure a movie with MGK and Pete Davidson will be the landmark film of our generation.

This is what happens when you sleep with a D list musician. He also slept with Ariana Grande.

The Hillary Clinton tattoo cinches it.

Judd looks almost as old and decrepit as Pete.

You've done it now u/pentrix ! You'll never work in Hollywood again!

Someone very similar tried to get his daughter admitted here and was refused twice. He thought it was racial, but when pushed, they had to tell him that vulgarity isn't whitewashed by money or fame. I loved that, until I thought of our ancient sports equipment and junior dinner menus.