What a fucking surprise

1  2019-01-30 by T-Earl-Grey-Hot


i hope the joker breaks put in time for the premiere

fucking boo

"Waah, my dad is dead. But it would be sick if you blew me, gurl." is not going to draw at the box office.

Shocking. Can't believe James Ingram died. Rest in Power 👊🏿

yah mo b there (in heaven)

A star is Burned.

Judd just feels guilty that his people orchestrated 9/11

Judd most certainly does not. He just want to continue profiting off it.

The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing everyone he wasn't a jew

Even the devil cant pull that one off.

Who can hide that shnoz? Not a single jew alive is capable of such a feat.

Howard is a hook nose jew- Andy dick

You can see those jew noses coming like the Jaws shark’s fucking dorsal fin.

Jews factually we have higher IQs. The Jews put on there they have higher IQs then most people. There were studies done.

“Factually we”

The jews have infiltrated the sub.

Meant to sound like I was mocking them

As does Intern David.

Oh nooooooo, Bobo, they found out we control the banks, Bobo!

Who the fuck would want to see a movie based his life?

There is nothing interesting about him. He only has a career because his dad died in 9/11 and gets media attention because some shitty pop singer dumped his bitch ass.

to be fair, judd apatow has made blockbuster films with less of a plot-line than that

-40 year old virgin -guy is a 40 year old virgin

-knocked up -girl gets pregnant

-super bad -kids try to get alcohol for party

  • train wreck -pig becomes a human for one night

Pineapple Express- Weed

Dude weed lol

Dude, Jamie, that film is a masterpiece.

David Gordon Green did that one.

Ah sorry

Apatow did produce it tho, iirc. Just didn't write or direct any of it. Pretty much put his name on it so it could be made.

I honestly just guessed it was apatow because it seems like all his other shit

He produced Superbad, Greg Mottola directed it.

He directed Funny People and This Forty. Apatow produces comedies but writes and directs chick flicks that are marketed as comedies.

-this is 40 - couple turns 40

-funny people -jewish nepotism rules hollywood

Kind of weird that funny people wasn’t funny at all. I’m not sure what it was about and who it was for really.

Apatow wants to win an Oscar so badly but lacks all the qualities a good writer and director possess. What you end up is with some eh movie with a couple of moments.

if you listen to the commentary on 40 year old virgin, they talk about how Judd’s scripts are most almost non existent. he just sets up a couple cameras and has them improve for 40 mins the edits it all together later

lazy fuck

I remember that they used to keep talking about knocked up, I don't think it's good

Interesting, Jewish comedies about sex and drugs and alcohol. It's almost like their media is pointing us in one direction.

This may cause a homosexual rupture in the spacetime continuum

Tentatively titled: "My Dead Dad's Turning in his Grave"

We're two guys who have eyes that look like buttholes!

There's a mezuzah on my house!

I’m not saying every decision Hitler made was the correct one, but the holocaust was absolutely justified

How are they going to fit Judd's wife and kids into the movie plot?

Yeah that shit ☝

Pete has developed that psychotic childlike gaze that both crazy women and gays have. Possessed by faggotry

I propose exorcism by Zyklon B.

Jews will be Jews.

I can’t wait to not see it.

(((Hollywood))) is so fucking predictable. I knew this shit was coming as soon as he posted his little "woe is me" faggy fake-suicide instragram post it was gonna end in him being the next SO BRAVE! celebrity and getting a fucking Apatow biopic out of the deal. TRY BEING LESS PREDICTABLE HOLLYWOOD FAGGOTS!

Also why does Apatow get to be the one to pick which comedian we're all supposed to like? This guy is the biggest fucking faggot in comedy and everyone hes pushed on us is worse than the last person.

What a pair of fucks

Judd plays a hot dog and Pete a pickle BOOM DUDE you're on easy street

From Carell, Rogen and Rudd to Pete fucking Davidson. Quite a leading man cliff plummet there.

Two Jews who aren't funny, and make Jews look bad.

Think of all the hard work The Three Stooges, and Larry David did, and then these yuppie chumps are representing their group now.

Jews have been doing a pretty good job of making themselves look bad for over 5000 years

Point well made, however some have been actually funny. Curly Howard and Larry David are top of the line.

Representing "their group"? Uh huh.

Mods, please add /u/dalgriff to the list.

Nice logic, stupid

the only good thing about this photo is the gun pointed at Apatow

About Pete? Who gives a fuck?

Hopefully this bomb finishes Apatow off

The only thing that can finish him off is a horrible scandal. We need a Charlene Yi type to come out of the woodwork and claim Judd groped her on-set.

apa two towers fell on my dad.

Ol' asshole eyes looks like a Ruby Rose stunt double with that pose, shirt, and those faggot tattoos. I swear to god...every time I hear him speak I want to knock on my neighbors door, come in, punch their newborn to death, and then sit outside and have a cigarette while I wait for the cops.

Plane Wreck

Underrated one haha

How about the title: Crashing

His dad dies at the begging so arty lang lets him sleep on his sofa. The cover is just the planes crashing into the towers

enough of tour shit ass films apatow


Oh nooooooo, Bobo, they found out we control the banks, Bobo!

if you listen to the commentary on 40 year old virgin, they talk about how Judd’s scripts are most almost non existent. he just sets up a couple cameras and has them improve for 40 mins the edits it all together later

lazy fuck