Joey Diaz hate thread

3  2019-01-29 by breewagoner


Lee, you still wiping your ass with tp? Listen dawg, I got a bidet from that leaves me so clean Jim Norton wouldn't eat it!!! you know what I'm sayin'?

He lies more than Artie.

I'm gonna open myself up to hate here: I'm sure Joey lies a lot but I'm inclined to believe the majority of stories about his life and crime. I grew up around criminals and none of his stories stood out to me as hard to believe. I also randomly met a younger guy from his neighborhood who gave the impression that everyone in the neighborhood knows Joey. Are there any specific stories we can probe into for bullshit?

Yes I agree, the biggest lie is joe rogan telling people he’s funny. Heinous.

At least he still calls people faggot and cocksucker. Name 5 comics that do

How about I name 5 comics who are funny, cause that’s what is was talking about stupid.

Gee relax, bud. I wasn’t even disagreeing with you. Fucking spaz

Maybe its the way he delivere them makes him very hateable, fucking loud idiot

You're more retarded than he is

Nah. Petty crime and drug use stories are hard to believe to you?

They're all the same, just recycled.

And he stole Doug Stanhope's coin jar.

"Joey Jingles"

Did you steal my change jar in the 90s ?

Change jar, what the fuck is a change jar ?

A jar with change in it

A change jar, what the fuck stanhope, I'm a professional thief !

That was such a great JRE episode.

It was actually an Ice House Chronicles episode and I really miss those...

That's not from the JRE with Doug and Joey both on it?

You’re right Episode #136. My bad.

It happens, you just had me questioning myself. Is there an Ice House Chronicles with the two of them? Because I would definitely listen to that and if you have a link that would be sweet.



Art Bell offed himself because he couldnt handle the late stages of it. Shit is no joke.

Idk i wouldn't wanna run into this guy on the mean streets of aspen colorado

And make sure you don’t call him a spic or he’ll blast ya in the mouth and the cops will high five him because in aspen it’s a felony to use (let alone even think) racial epithets that’s how “progressive” they are according to Joey.

Joey and Lee, two sacks of shit.

Was just in Cuba for a week, didn't see anyone uglier there than this man the entire time I was there.

cuban girls are gorgeous.

Every country has great looking girls. Except black countries.

Why does he act italian? Do cubans act italian, is that a thing?

Because he grew up in Jersey around a bunch of wops

Hudson County was mostly all Italian back then. Now too , really.


Yea. If anything the dude sold come not did it. No junkie brats the way this guy does. A dealer does that to sell it. Tough to believe any of this guy's bs.

"I'm telling ya Joe Rogan. There was this crazy little redhead broad that I hung around with in Aspen back in the 80s. Her brother was a state trooper but he also sold a little blow on the side. He used to do lines with fuckin Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty every time they were in town. So this broad and I would party all the time. We'd shoot heroin, she'd suck my balls and eat my ass, chains, whips, I'd eat her fuckin was crazy Joe Rogan. And Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown would stop by and buy the coke that I got off her brother that he hadn't sold to Rip Torn. The guy was a fucking savage, he looked like that big fag who played Flash Gordon, y'know?"

Just missing the part where Joey filmed the whole thing in the closet but he lost the tape somehow

Oh he didn’t lose it.

He's a conedy artist.

hey puss, did she even exist?

I know we’re not big on complimenting around here but that was PFG. Considering that Joey pretends to be one of those guys every day of his life

Joey actually played big puss on the madtv Sopranos sketch

I gotta sit down. Is that alright Joe Rogan? If I sit down?

That’s fucking hilarious

I can’t picture his elderly fat ass grappling at a gym and doing anything other than laying down watching

I think someone said he's the same age as Rogan

One thing o&a always had was he best line up of stand ups. Joe organs crew sucks ass except Tom

For real, a bunch of faggots and Jews

Which was pretty much onas line up of comics, but it was ok cause they were funny

Joe organs


Joes got Eddie bravo

this one time i'll let you ask me. this one time.

is it true?

Looks like Slimer from Ghostbusters

He stinks and I don't like him!

I saw this lying fat fuck murder the main room at the Comedy Store harder than any other comedian I’ve ever seen there. Idk why his specials suck so bad, the one live performance I saw he fucking demolished.

He killed harder than anyone I've ever seen live. I agree with you, his specials never capture him properly. I think whoever produces his next special just needs to sneak cameras in some random shows without his knowledge.

No pressure.

Dippin into Nana’s stash of soy sauce I see.

JOHN FUCKING GOTTI, Joe Rogan. It's Boulder, Colorado 1988. I'm selling Buicks high off fuckin' coke with fag dust all over my fuckin' cordurreys, and in walks the man himself.

Best thing he ever did was ghost the Jim and Sam show with no explanation or apology.



He's given explanation multiple times on his podcasts. He doesn't fuck around with shit he doesn't want to do, and has signed on to do morning shows and ghosted them in the past. His reasoning is "if you don't know I hate having to go out of my way to do morning shows, I'll tell them I'll be there and leave them hanging..."

Joey is a man of will, more than most comedians in the O and A universe can say. He blows shit off with the intent of never going in the first place just to fuck over dummies who think they're worth something to performers.

You don't think it's a little bit rude?

No, I think it's pretty funny and ballsy. In the end, Joey can sell out wherever he goes, and it's just some shitty morning show, anyways.

It can be funny and rude at the same time. I know if he ghosted me, I'd be pissed.

I'm starting to like him now.

He was bizzzzzy

I saw him open for Rogan in Atlanta in like 2004 or 5 I think, back when I was a fan of Rogan's podcast because I love drugs and he had only regurgitated his Weed/DMT rant about 12 times at that point. Anyway, of course Rogan introduced him as the funniest man in the world or whatever and he proceeded to bomb... bad. It was extremely uncomfortable/awesome. Rogan comes back out to introduce Ari (who killed) and was like, "I promise you he's the funnest guy in the world." ....Is he?

I sold a track suit to Sammy “The Bull” Gravano. Not that blue one, a different blue one.

He looks like they dredged Big Pussy out of his ocean grave.

He talks like Bobo

this man has a knack for fibbing

Unfunny Junkie with a Sopranos schtick. Can't stand when he said he wouldn't help younger comedians. It's like dude you were handed a silver platter and the biggest platform in the world from Rogan, but you can't even help a young talented comic? Instead you help a lazy blob with no desire to do anything but eat in Lee?

Cool hairgel.

Pathological liar and even if he wasn't, especially if he wasn't, then he should be whacked for running his big fat rat mouth. What a blabbermouth bitch if he wasn't a con artist, spoiler alert, it is. Side not: Yes, it is extremely faggy to write "spoiler alert", but this Cuban rapist deserves lame quips and bad sarcasm. I pray he's illegal and gets deported one day.

Hope this fat spic dies

"I fucking died Joe Rogan!".


Looks like an old hand puppet.

Real talk I actually hate Joey's proud scumbag thievery. He'd talk about seeing an older woman with an envelope in the supermarket and then stealing it, he'd talk about a man having a bar mitvah or jewish wedding and getting envelopes filled with cash and then putting them away, Joey waits until the guy leaves then steals all the money.

he always make himself out to be a mastermind and then says "well if you're going to be stupid I'm not going to pass it up" uh no you're a fucking scumbag wiesel. Normal people don't meet a new dude and then act shady and announce "Well I'm leaving the house but I don't trust you in my house so you have to leave too".

He leaves out he was a scummy dude who planned to be a filthy thieving rat the second he saw someone. Normal people don't see money and rob a friends house blind and skip town over it.

He's not really guilty or contrite over his scumbagginess, he always makes it out to be smart and the people he robbed to be "dumb". Like really, he's the reason people have guards unnecessarily, most people don't think someone is THAT scummy.

What makes me laugh though is when Stanhoupe made fun of him for stealing change from his change jar. All of a sudden Joey got REAL embarrassed and defensive because it shows the real nature of his filthy dirty self, it's not cool, it's not smart it's just being as desperate and dirty as possible and being an untrustable compulsive selfish cunt.

you dont leave a (new dude) in your house alone dummy. and dont give me an 8,352 1/2 page essay of a response

Yea some of his stories he just says he was an asshole prick basically to everyone than justifies it as well i was a savage. It's like no bro u fucked ppl over. No one's got time to retaliate on your fat ass.

the only thing he was good at was being a junkie, and he gave that up.

He's melting right in front of our eyes.

Yes I agree, the biggest lie is joe rogan telling people he’s funny. Heinous.

"Joey Jingles"

Did you steal my change jar in the 90s ?

Change jar, what the fuck is a change jar ?

A jar with change in it

A change jar, what the fuck stanhope, I'm a professional thief !

Gee relax, bud. I wasn’t even disagreeing with you. Fucking spaz

Maybe its the way he delivere them makes him very hateable, fucking loud idiot

I think someone said he's the same age as Rogan

You're more retarded than he is