No one asked for it. No one wants it. But here it is.

1  2019-01-29 by TheGhostOfAbeVigoda


Joe sucks

So do Justin Silver and Mike Vecchione or however the fuck you spell that goofy wop name.

Everybody said Mike V. put out the special of the year in 2018.

Their podcast isn't going to be truly "made" until they land the white whale of Sebastian M. as guest.

Why don't you fucking come over here and downvote me to me fucking face like a man, huh? HUH?

Mike v is a bore, I haven’t listened to this podcast but Justin is alright on real ass podcast

He's so off the radar that even this sub has stopped shaming him.

It came up in my recommendations. I have not watched it and have no plans to in the future.

Don't disrespect my gabagool, nothing beats jersey, something something old country...

Shut up dummy

The dress up and posture make Joe look like he's there to publicly apologize for racial slurs.