HOW TO HANDLE WOMEN - A guide for the young men of Generation Z. Chapter Two:

1  2019-01-29 by Every1ShouldBKilled


I blame the movies. These women see 90 pound waifs to take down giant men and think it's real.

I blame their inept thinking that they can’t or shouldn’t be hit.

Their minds are remarkable. Someone should really do a study about them using a proven method of inquiry.

“Woman want the last word, you give them the last word. But’s it’s not enough, they want to get into a provocative situation”. - Sean Connery in an interview with Barabara What’s’hertits

It's fucking great that he didn't back down when Walters was being a fucking cunt. He basically laughed in her face.

A man’s man.

How close was he to smacking her?

I'm not sure. But he definitely thought about it.

The original Mel Gibson. The John the Baptist to Mel’s Jesus.

I dont know where women get that confidence..

Some cunt cut me off once and at the next traffic light I was right next to her so I stared at her. She gave me the finger and started swearing. How does she know I'm not some retard gang member with nothing to lose and that I won't just beat her to death right there.

I'm 24 and roided up and even i wouldn't give the finger to someone in traffic or start a fight. You never know when you're gonna run into some guy who's crazy.

They know there's not likely to be any real consequences and that even if there are society, media and the courts will be on their side no matter what.

This is very simply explained: WOMEN DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH CONFLICT. They simply do not see the stakes involved in any conflict, insofar as what they could potentially lose; their health and well-being, or worse. They don't see it, assume that anyone (primarily men) will pull their punches, and go ham because they feel that nothing that bad will happen to them.

Men see the reality of these situations. That's as simple as I can make it.

It's the implied threat of violence that, much of the time, makes male interaction tolerable. Like how people were much more polite and less rude when there was a possibility someone would challenge you to a fucking duel if you sassed them.

The Jordan Peterson/Camille Paglia talk covered this in such great detail, you could literally hear the REEEING from the other coast (I'm in NY).

Camille Paglia is great.

She really steams the buns of every feminist out there, these days.

I was hitting on this gal (smart gal, pretty) who works as an editor-in-chief at the New York Observer. Was getting somewhere with her, but you had to see her face turn and squish when I started talking about Paglia. Her "woke" brain refuses her work, like fucking oil and water. So I just kept talking about her to make her brain squish more (i assumed any chance of getting laid at that point was off the table).

Yeah I've had the same experience with girls regarding Paglia. She's kind of my go to 'Oh well actually this feminist thinker says x' person. She's also the only interesting feminist writer I think I've ever read. BTW is that girl's initials MC?

It starts with M, but I think it's full version is MVA?

This reminds me of this time I was driving to WA from CA. I came up on this 30 something soccer mom cunt who was doing 5 under, freeway was empty. Every time I tried to get around her she would speed up, get in front of me and slow right the fuck back down. Not sure what I did to piss her off so bad but this was going on for damn near a dozen miles so I was pissed. I was younger and dumber too so I pulled my gun out of my glove compartment, drove along side her, pointed it at her and grinned and honked my horn.

She hit the brakes so fuckin hard her car looked like a skinny kid that got closelined. Don't know if she called the cops, I never heard any more about it.

You are not far off from a brother joe

I wasn't wearing my sons vest at the time but I was definitely quoting racial crime statistics and fucking another cowboy

I'm giving your comment the finger right now

You didn't cut me off while I was driving my dad's car so we're cool.

Yes, it's a bad idea to be rude to strangers in general. The most unlikely people may know how to use a pistol or a straight razor, or what have you.

Why shouldn't they have that confidence? Every indicator society gives me (#MeToo, divorce courts, Jew media, etc) all tell them they're beautiful and awesome no matter how mediocre and how little self-improvement they do. They should be entitled, because they are entitled to it all.

Your story reminds me, I had a cunt just cut in front of my at a restaurant once. I told her "You are abusing the gender difference now. If you were a man, I wouldn't let you cut me." She went from cocky smirk to self-aware afraid woman in milliseconds. Probably went home and wrote a blog post about how an Evil White Man was holding male privilege over her. Her sad one-sided story probably got a bunch of likes too.

Women are stronger than men, this video is bigoted

HOW TO HANDLE WOMEN, a guide from a 19th century German philosopher to the homosexuals of the 21st century.

What do you call a woman with 2 black eyes...

I dont know u/MoeGreenVegas...What DO you call a woman with 2 black eyes?

A lucky recipient of Irish sunglasses.

someone who doesnt learn the first time

at first I skipped through the video and thought "what a fuckign asshole that dude is", then I saw she stole their parking spot and thought he should have tied her to the back of his truck and keel hauled her.

People who back into parking spots have small dicks. I am on the broads side this time.

I blame their inept thinking that they can’t or shouldn’t be hit.

You are not far off from a brother joe

She really steams the buns of every feminist out there, these days.

I was hitting on this gal (smart gal, pretty) who works as an editor-in-chief at the New York Observer. Was getting somewhere with her, but you had to see her face turn and squish when I started talking about Paglia. Her "woke" brain refuses her work, like fucking oil and water. So I just kept talking about her to make her brain squish more (i assumed any chance of getting laid at that point was off the table).

“Woman want the last word, you give them the last word. But’s it’s not enough, they want to get into a provocative situation”. - Sean Connery in an interview with Barabara What’s’hertits