Whites are less likely than coloreds to agree that Phil’s car seat was off kilter. Here’s how problematic views about seat kilter impact our most vulnerable communities.

1  2019-01-29 by jd-art


It's askew.

You're right, it feels off-kilter.

This new paint isn't as brilliant.

Coloreds? It's coloureds you arsehole cunt twat.

It was definitely askew.

You got an eye problem Joey?

look like stevie wonder wit ur eyes rollinrown

I know Vito's bottom was "impacted" if that's what you're referring to.

Now there's an image.

I guess the turd doesn't fall far from the faggot's ass.

agree. zero concern about how much work was put into (insert subject) by the other person.

That car was involved in a major collision.