What a lovely couple.

1  2019-01-29 by RBuddCumia


They are the cringiest people I've ever seen.

I once actually shuddered when I imagined how the daughter will feel in a few years on family excursions, Christmas, etc. Hours and hours of cringe she can't escape.

She's going to have one of those situations where she is "adopted" by a friends parents and only visits compound east on the holidays

That would be a good thing, yes.

Straight up garbage

Imagine seeing your parents posting this shit on Facebook. Layla is going to take more trains than Grand Central.

Imagine doing the normal kid thing and googling your name for fun.....

The fuck does that even mean, a steak and a balloon?

They shoot up a lot of junk

She doesn't seem too bright, or she would have noticed by now that her face looks deformed when she smiles.

steak and a bloody cunt? now that's just uncalled for, joseph!

He probably took her phone while she was in the bathroom and threw in some of that classic JC wit!

She's going to have one of those situations where she is "adopted" by a friends parents and only visits compound east on the holidays