Would being asked only 11 questions in a reddit AMA be considered a complete and utter failure? Asking for a sci-fi writer friend

1  2019-01-29 by SuperToes845


"Why are you such a homo?"

"How many dicks have you had in you simultaneously?"

"Can I pay you to kill yourself?"

Damn! That's a good AMA!

That twitter link seems to be dead. Are we sure this was a verified AMA?

He misspelled “Mary Shelley” and “Frankenstein,” that is one dense shitdick.

And he's a 'writer'.

Wait, isn't that the child molester guy?

So I've heard.

No, that was Anthony Cumia, I mean Joe Cumia, I mean Logan Lynn.

oh shit, he posts here haha

....and if you post here, Mass Tagger sees it and automatically bans you from many subs. You know, for unspecified hate speech.

good thing i haven't come across any of those subs yet


can we get an AMA with the woman that left him?

A three-fer. Okay.

I love that he pretends that answering this long question is such a chore when he obviously wrote it.

He’s the absolute worst

'I'm so hungover that I tried to find out if I was hungover with my garage door opener'

If you like, you can find me on twitter @stealthygeek.



Oh, we're such rascals aren't we?

This man raped me in the Ducks On the Ave restroom.

Never seen more answers than questions.

Is it possible to sprain your face from too much smug?

....and if you post here, Mass Tagger sees it and automatically bans you from many subs. You know, for unspecified hate speech.