Are tards evolving into better looking species?

1  2019-01-29 by Pudshark


wouldnt make a difference for me, this is how i see all women

She lives off of paint chips and pennies

Ok Jim Norton from 2005

Got eem

No people are just getting better at dressing those things up.

Exactly. Just feed her fewer chicken tendies and she'll fit inside whatever sized dress you want to stuff her in.

that raw retard sexuality

Exactly, do they even know why they’re doing it?

They know they'll get pudding for dinner and a ride in daddies new car if they wear a diaper.

Inferior at a genetic level.

So at the same time are we to be shamed for wanting to fuck a 14 year old retard? I mean where are they going with this? It’s so confusing.

Nah, you're good. Stay the course, pal.

Bitch fell into the uncanny valley.

Lost a lot of good men there.

This is going to sound edgy as fuck, but I think I finally understand the male impulse to rape. I look at her and feel two things at once: 1.Utter disgust with her personality and full knowledge she's a horrible person who I would gladly throw in the gutter 2.Sexual attraction The only clear reaction to that combination of feelings is rape. It satisfies both the lust and the rejection of her humanity

Nice deep, emotional lust for severely retarded children, stupid

it's a meme, ya dip

Yes, but we also found Jake Flores' alt.


CumTown reference. The (semi woke) comic Jake Flores took a girl with Lego downs syndrome to his car and fucked her after a show. /effay/ reference seems to be going over people's heads.

We are a low brow sub. Only fart and faggot jokes please.

Good to know retards are getting more action than I am.

Smarter too

Yes, it's the retarded girl that's the horrible person.

You never before understood the impulse to rape? It's being a horny savage

You see a picture of a retarded woman and try to rationalize rape? This must be the OnA subreddit

Wonder if female tards drool out of their pussies much as their mouths

She has the same interchangeable retard face. I guess I'll tell her the only way to get the Christmas presents out of her pussy is from behind

Here come to nana. Nana will heal you of all your disabilities

Women are literally retarded.

Thicc, just not mentally

Why is she wearing glasses in one of those pictures? It's not like she's going to do any reading.

Looks like I've also got special needs...if you know what I'm saying?

Is this what there doing now? Making cute waterheads who cant tattle about the kid fucking?

I hope so.

The only stipulation in her rider is to make sure all electrical outlets have plastic caps on them.

Nah all British women look like that

Rubia Traebert, 44, from Brazil posted a picture of her daughter online as a joke

Wonderful woman with self-awareness and a sense of humor. Shame about that defective womb though