Luis J Gomez said Nick Mullen is Alive, botched suicide attempt.

1  2019-01-28 by FlowbeeYourTits

On today's RAP. Said he didn't want to say much about it, but he's alive and 'ooof, the way he did it'.. Anyone have any news?


Nice suicide, stupid.

How hard is it to put a gun in your mouth or do the carbon monoxide thing? These people just want attention

Believe it or not something like 15 percent of gun suicides are unsuccessful, like dummy here. Carbon monoxide after a few drinks/xanaxes is much more effective.

Artie would walk to Cleveland for that nose.

Back when Nana was still hilarious

There’s an incredibly high chance that carbon monoxide won’t kill you by make you a brain dead vegetable for the rest of your life. Quit being hack.

Jacking off w a zip tie around his neck

That, sir, is called the INXS.

Don't misgender me or make references I don't get, please

All apologies, fleshy bag of mostly water. Please provide me a single spaced, bulleted, 10pt font, list of all topics and references you are aware of. If it is less than 12 double sided pages, I will feel you haven't put enough effort into this matter.

You're trying too hard, fag.

I don't hate Nick Mullen, but that fucking show is unlistenable.

good gawd i'm with ya... he's very talented but needs to dump StavieBaby and Adam... he's great on the GAS shows...

Whoever does that stupid laugh needs to go. Ive listened to maybe 15 mins total and i can see that it would be good without that constant cackle

The paramedics said its the 12th case of attention whoring they've seen this year

Jeez sounds like we're headed for an all-time high

Taking after fellow faggot Logan Lynn

It’s a bit. He also said he was missing and no one could find him a week or so ago

I kinda thought it may have been... like Luis wouldn't have disclosed the attempt if it were real... but saying maybe means they found him but it was a non-thing...

There's been multiple Cum Towns released since Luis started saying this

I think Luis said, ‘they had a few in the can’ when He started talking about this.

He’s been out for a couple of weeks? Missed RAP with Tim Dillon... made me think it was real...

You’re an idiot

True, idiot, no disagreement... but seriously... Mullen no-showed on RAP with Tim Dillon a couple of weeks back when he went missing... my money is on this is real...


Now do Zac Amico, who (according to Luis) was urgently admitted to hospital the last time he couldn't make RAP.

Dude he didn't go missing. I listen to Cum Town, those episodes were not in the can, they discussed recent things that happened in all of them. Also, they never pre-record unless they know one of them will be gone for an extended period.

Nick bailed on RAP, Luis was annoyed and decided to make a bit out of it.

God damn it. This sounds completely right. I don't listen to Cumtown, can't understand why everyone love it. I'm a fucking idiot.

Who’s releasing them stupid? Do you think Nick would let the Bug near the upload? Do you think Stav’s fat fingers could punch a keyboard. Smarten up boy

Revenge for ditching RAP

He must be on the boat with Dave Smith. Remember when Dave went missing?

ahhhhhhh.... got it... yep...

Whatever happened to Dave’s drug charges in Texas? Weren’t they threatening to put him in a cage, maaaan?

I thought they were rape charges?


Gotta give it to the Cumtown crew, they aren't just pretending to be gay losers to appeal to gay losers.