Meanwhile, in obscurity..... "God I miss twitter on days like this."

1  2019-01-28 by nerdxferguson


This guy has the same relationship with his infant daughter as I do with my childhood dog who died when i was 8... "Nothing I can do to see you, but, uh.. I think about you! that counts, right?"

I would absolutely call him a faggot in real life because he’s a faggot

Bob's Big Boy-looking faggot

bob's big boy employees contribute more than this dead weight

Wow the no twitter thing is really eating away at fatbody isnt it?

Whos this fat faggot?

As if he doesn't have different stances when talking to his wife, daughter, publisher, Twitter followers.

u/patrickstomlinson, I've had multiple tweets with more likes than that and I don't even attention whore, and rarely post. Comment?

Sure thing. This screen grab was taken early in this particular tweet's life. it ended up with many times more likes, and still wasn't even in my top ten. Sorry kiddo.

Do you miss having a twitter account?

Dude you are so pathetic it's fucking unreal.

You're clearly delusional as you think you're some famous author when you're not. You leave reviews on your own content for Christ's sake. Yeah you're so known and famous and yet your videos get a couple hundred views and 30-50 ratings which are almost all negative.

Also, you have no willpower or discipline as you're a fat fuck, but somehow you genuinely think you aren't a fat piece of garbage.

You have an unhealthy obsession with social media, mainly twitter, and tie your entire ego and self-worth into it. No one cares how many fucking likes you got on a tweet you fat worthless faggot. What are you, a teenage girl?

Then my favorite part: the smug, condescending way you speak. Jesus Christ what the fuck is with that? 'Little one', 'Child', etc. You talk like a weird faggot. You think it makes you sound enlightened and smart but bud it really doesn't, I promise.

I'd bet anything you get next to zero pussy. Women are probably repulsed by your weak, fat feminist ass. You repeat mainstream, corporate approved talking points and try to pass it off as if you're some hardcore rebel going against the grain. WHOA, THAT FAT LOSER PATRICK AGREES WITH ABORTION!? HOLY SHIT I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING. SO BASED AND BADASS!!!!!!!

The only thing that excites about the inevitable collapse of western society is that mistakes like you, kept alive by the distance we've put between ourselves and natural selection, will undoubtedly die very quickly when everything goes to shit.

Fuck you, fat boy.

Any evidence for this?

Oh honey, are you claiming that you've accrued more fake internet points than I have? The chances of that being the case are fatter than your fat face, child.

im a nigger