Potentially funny idea: Trolling Norton, Joe, Sam and Keith The Cop's twitter feed with the #learntocode hashtag.

1  2019-01-28 by TangerineReam

With the recent spate of firings in the blog journalism world; Buzzfeed, HuffPo and other fags have been getting their just desserts, by being humiliated online with the #learntocode hashtag, reminding them how much they've failed in life.

We're already pretty acquainted with failures ourselves: Keith and his bungling of CM and the entirety of his cop career, the entirety of Norton's career, the entirety of Joe's LIFE, and Sam's violent and unstoppable irrelevancy....


So funny i forgot to laugh


What is this #learntocode thing anyway?

How bout you learn to read first. Baby steps.

I can read, and code in basic, and some java, c, c++, html/css, javascript. My question wass what's the hashtag about?

which of the 3 words are you having s problem with?

Obviously I know what the sentence is, what is the backstory? Something to do with buzzfeed or something?

I don't know either, I'm just letting you take the heat for asking.

Lol fair play

You are an idiot. They would not care.


I don't know either, I'm just letting you take the heat for asking.