Watch yourself Big Girl

1  2019-01-28 by MoistureMop


Katie "Two Ton" Kiacz


Idk i feel like blaming her weight on the baby takes away from whatever point she's trying to make.

How much does your bellybutton weigh?


I doubt he was even talking about her

When she misinterpreted the conversation she was eaves dropping on, she reacted in a weird unsettling way

Id ask to move seats as well. I cant sit next to a fatty whos also crazy

Fuck this bitch and her fat afterbirth ass. Go eat some god damn cabbage instead of the chicken nuggets from your child happy meal you whiney two ton farmyard cattle slag.

The guy who called her out has a hint of Brian Cox, so he’s okay to me. He gets a pass.

Why are non events like this bullshit presented as news?

Shit like this just makes me want to murder people

Same. In this case her and whoever wrote an article about it.

It's the Daily Mail, it's Fox News for British people, owned by the same guy.

This is all the “news” is anymore.

Wow. Shes so brave.

Or to tell him to his face.

So selfish that she feels no shame at all for taking up more than her fair share of space.

'In that moment, I was shaking with anger, I was overcome by sadness, and for a moment I was ashamed and self-conscious.'

She had a moment of clarity, god forbid.

The bloke is a big fat man too though, to be fair.