When you hit your 50s and still don’t have children, is there any point in even existing except for selfish or materialistic reasons?

1  2019-01-28 by jd-art

Jim there’s no reason for you to be here. Just fucking kill yourself. Really just do it. It’ll be scary at first but once the deed is done.... blissful silence and the world will keep spinning.


What the fuck are you even talking about. So you're supposed to work your whole life, and then not get to be a selfish arse in the last half? You need two sides to everything, stupid. Those guys who take up all the time at the Visa card machines and moaning about their food orders at McDonalds - you NEED those guys. One day that will be your little pleasure. Personally I can't wait to get old (with or without kids) and just be a big burden on everybody while secretly knowing I'm capable.

Yeah Jim worked so hard in his 20s and 30s and totally wasn’t a hack comic piece of shit who worked 12 hours a week.

He’s eating up less resources than if he had 4 kids so I’m not really seeing your point here. Care to further elaborate?

Yeah Jim worked so hard in his 20s and 30s and totally wasn’t a hack comic piece of shit who worked 12 hours a week.