Have a few more guests on, stupid.

1  2019-01-28 by literalotherkin


Ant looks horrible lol

Ant is horrible.

He’s been called sexy...by the Elephant Man.

He looks seriously ill.

They all do.

I love how Karen started wearing all black after her massive puddle of arm sweat was discovered

10:24 Karen Fe... whatever the fuck her name is says Anthony looks like an acid attack victim. Maybe we've found the Caucasian Esther Ku.

Nah she’s just another unfunny cunt that uses the ‘mean’ angle to get laughs. She’d go all SJW Schumer/Silverman style in a second if she ever got famous.

Nah she’s just another unfunny cunt that uses the ‘mean’ angle to get laughs.

Are you describing Esther or whatever her name is?

Kerryn is cute. Not funny though.

also not that cute

Yeah but her comic strip is vuggin ilarious

Is she the petite thing behind Christina?

Who's the dude on the left?

No idea but I get the impression he's a chubby chaser.

The complete opposite of a charismatic entertainer.

All these people and let's be honest, Ant is the only one who could have something funny to say. Page straight out of fat bastard's playbook to fill the room with nobodies.

Brian Johnson is quite witty

He appears quite witty because he surrounds himself with comic book losers even more pathetic than him (meaning, ones that weren’t friends with Kevin Smith).

I don’t know, I find him pretty funny and witty. He also hangs out with the guys from impractical jokers. What comic book losers are you talking about because Walt has been in almost all of Kevin’s movies? Brian is also the inspiration for Randal in clerks who’s whole character is based on being witty.

There's 7 more people on this podcast than there needs to be. Chip should've taken a hint when the podcast was still getting 100k+ viewers every episode that people prefer shows with less guests that are more entertaining. Quality over quantity. I have no idea who anyone in this photo is besides Ant, Dave Landcow, and the cancer victim cosplaying as rich vos

Your count is off by 1.

Anthony's face is unfortunate.

Dave Landow is a pussy.

You know it's real fucking bad when Dave Landau is the third most recognisable person in the room

8 people choose to waste half of their day to participate in this garbage.

This sub, you mean?

That would all day, every day.

Get your facts straight.

13,000 views. Who is still watching this shit?

The Chippah Armie.

Fawk yeah!

Did anybody hear that Kerryn chick destroy Anthony with one line? I wouldn’t say she’s funny at all, but the bitch is mean as hell sometimes..

I don’t remember the exact line, but she said something about pouring acid on someone and it looking like Ant.. then Ant got serious and had to say he had bad teenage acne.. then the subject was changed quick.. It was good because I know how much Ant takes offense to people (especially women) talking about his looks.

Yeah there's a comment somewhere in here about that. We might have found our White Esther Ku.

Under 14,000 views. Good job.

Typical podacast z-listers.

Does anyone still watch this. I stopped after the million downloads episode. It felt like the natural end. Has Christina ever shown her tits anywhere, that's the only question about this show that should be asked.

Indeed. That was the first one I'd looked at in ages and it's just fucking amazing to me how many guests he has on and how little they all contribute.

I too want to see those teats. She hides them under a lot of sweaters and scarves and cardigans and shit. But I saw a picture of her in a thin dress standing up straight and my God those are some sizable beefers.

The comments are way too pro-Ant. This board needs a new Sunday tradition.

What is Aubrey de Grey doing on that awful podcast?

Who the fuck is that?

Google it!

Nice relatable reference, stupid.

This is about the worst I've ever seen Anthony's "hair" look

Norton had a good night. Got off some funny lines. It's almost as if he shows off and raises his game when his secret crush is in the room.

Not until the Oscars will we see this many celebrities in the same room again. You got Ant and Dane Landau, beardo, toque boy, toque girl, Karen "shampoo is for suckers" Johnson, and rando.

Does everything on the Riotcast network need to have more people than a football team in the studio, or does Bobby Kelly just rub off on people?

Joe Rogan would make more money if he'd book 10 guests at a time you know.

He appears quite witty because he surrounds himself with comic book losers even more pathetic than him (meaning, ones that weren’t friends with Kevin Smith).