Reminder - Jim Norton uses the intros to his stand-up specials to fulfill his fucking queer fantasies.

1  2019-01-28 by McGowan9



What the fuck is that on his back? Besides cum, I mean.

A target?

Looks to be crudely drawn tits

That has always bugged me. Much like how the radio show is an excuse to "interview" celebrities and get pictures.

He acts like he doesn't belong in showbusiness and he's right.

Rebel till the rent is due.

This schtick got old 20 years ago.

I honestly have never seen a comic whose act has remained as stagnant as Jim’s. He’s basically doing the same material that he was doing in 1999, just with updated references (and even then his references are usually about 15 years out of date).

1999 Jim: “I like to lick men’s asses and be gay with them! I feel like Reagan with his strategic missile shield, colloquially known as ‘Star Wars!’ Hamina Hamina!”

2019 Jim: “I like it when gigantic black men fuck me! I’m gay, get it? I feel like Cindy Sheehan’s son! Wakka wakka!"

Wakka wakka got me

I still think that joke should have gotten a better response on tough crowd. It’s not hilarious but it’s stupid funny which was what it was trying to be.

im pretty fucking far from O&A.

The fuck is Al Roker doing to Jimmy Mortran?