is rich actually great on stage?

1  2019-01-28 by Fredrock26

They've pounded him about not writing, stealing/warping jokes from mad magazine reusing the same shit. Has anyone seen him? What's his material like other than his time filler "crowd work"?


he's a catskills comedian. Freddie Roman without the cadence.

All crowd work. I've seen him

You can listen to several of his albums on Spotify. I saw him about 4 years ago, he was super nervous pacing outside the room beforehand. He did a ton of pretty funny and also probably very overused crowd work. It was at a college, you needed a current college ID to get in which means the crowd was mostly in their early 20s, and he killed. I'd go see him again but it was uncomfortable trying not to laugh louder than everybody else, Vos singled out the one guy who did, as expected.

God he’s such an ass

He always kills. His material is great. But why is crowd work filler? You'd rather see someone recite something they wrote than just work off the room?


Yes. Off the cuff stand up is trash most of the time.

lol no

Good lookin' fella.

He can only kill with a 144 I.Q.

I’ve only seen him once but he killed. Crowd work is his strong suit.

as much as I wanted to hate him. he has this weird likable loser vibe on stage and somehow doing all crowd work doesn't get too boring.