Any thoughts on who it was that downvoted it?

1  2019-01-28 by nomobjustice


I have one guess and he had two female first names.

Can see BF do it himself, to make LoLypops look spiteful. Then if he adds his vote the seed's taken away, and he's alone again.

You're not single? 😢

I think if he saw it he wouldn't be able to stop himself from personally responding to every comment and then posting screenshots of it on his Twitter. It seems like no one is tweeting hate speech anymore so he's started retweeting stuff from days ago before we got bored of him. Someone should send him a link to this video

It was Beige, he just wanted to twist the knife

I'll bet he's a cocksucker.

Jay Mohr

That would be me. I just think you guys haven't given him a fair shake