Nice fag country, stupids

1  2019-01-27 by Single_Action_Army


a buck 110 is dangerous?

They make an auto now... Imagine an automatic knife with that awkward back lock. It's only dangerous trying to close it with 1 hand.

“Sir, put down the automatic rape knife”

Jesus Christ. No wonder you let a bunch of faggots born without running water take over your country.

Do you have to let the local bobbies know when you're going to buy some butter knives and get a special permit?

Cutco salesmen are public enemy number one!

Looks like my old gut knife. I now use a fixed blade - much better grip

I've been fighting off the overwhelming urge to blow money one this bad boy.

Very nice, I'd like that one too. You can't have too many.

Kukris are dope. I'm definitely going to buy one one day.

Luckily my KA-BAR fighting knife fills the void right now and keeps me from blowing money on more big knives that I don't need.

get a spyderco endura instead, much more practical and cheaper

a double edged knife is practical?

You can slash a circle of ninjas around you fore- and backhand without turning your wrist.

Its size, weight, shape, and flat profile make it practical to me. Also stays sharp for ages and it's all metal, so it cleans well.

“That’s not a knoife....”

(“Seriously, thats not a knoife”)

I find multiples of those when I clean my truck.

Truck stops sell fucking swords. I even saw the helmet style Russell Crowe wore in Gladiator once.

The ones at gas stations are so cute i gotta get me one with like pink flames or something

You don't help the argument in this case.

They all have those gay rainbow colored blades at the gas station.

In america, this is what a grandpa gives his 10 year old grandson for his birthday.

and by he is fifteen that kid shoots up a school, making grandpa proud of his boi.

Gun violence is a nigger and retard problem.

so essentially its not a problem.

most "gun deaths" are suicides cuck

wish you were a part of that statistical fact.

as least i have that option you limey faggot

imagine needing a governments permission to own a gun (or anything) and then ceiling someone a faggot on internet.

Yeah, with a toe attachment, stupid

Funny enough back when kids were getting .22 rifles for their birthday, school shooting were incredibly less common

I dont care either way - it was a joke.



A fucking stupid one

tf you are - joke judge?

No, but I'm sure if you told 50 people the same "joke" none would laugh. Knives= school shootings is a tough premise to make hilarious or anything besides nonsensical. Now fuck off brit

oh I see you are a joke deconstructer-analyzer - apologies for my previous mistake.

btw do you americans know of any other country but UK?

I am not a brit.

Nobody fucking cares eurofag

Stand down, civilian.

UK comedy is really just dog shit

i got a 20 gauge shotgun for my 11th birthday

....and yet you didn't take the hint.

Because only American cops pull drug raids.

Comparing how drug laws are enforced in the United States to the rest of the developed world and acting like they're anywhere near the same. Right...

To me those drugs looks like marijuana. In most of the US marijuana possession is either legal or a misdemeanor with a <$200 fine associated with it (basically a speeding ticket type financial impact). The US has the most liberal laws on marijuana that the world has ever seen, including the Netherlands.

The amounts of marijuana in these pictures clearly aren't for personal use, and are probably some mexican cartel weed.



Pretending they're keeping the streets safe.

Should make themselves useful and start building a wall around their borders. Fuckin muzzie lovers.

What kind of a man doesn't have an everyday carry knife?

Whats your edc knife?

One that lives amongst whites


My dad brought me home a buck 110 when I was 10 years old. Jesus these people are weaklings.

“Sir, put down the automatic rape knife”

You can slash a circle of ninjas around you fore- and backhand without turning your wrist.

Its size, weight, shape, and flat profile make it practical to me. Also stays sharp for ages and it's all metal, so it cleans well.