The funniest part of the whole Logan Lynn thing

3  2019-01-27 by ConcreteSkull

He expected to whip his fanbase into a frenzy by posting screencaps of the hate he was receiving and forgot that all of his followers were fake.


He expected this sub to bow down to the faggot shit that bows men these days. Sorry Sally your woe is me song and dance didn't work

Can't get the PC police to fuck us either when you're this obscure. They only care about praise and notoriety themselves.

He activated his faggot card and it had no effect.

Ask a girl how many followers she has and if its less than 500 you can basically do w/e you want without consequences these days.

One of these days we’ll hit a nerve of someone who actually matters and all of this beauty will soon be gone.

He seems to have learned his lesson. He’s leaving it alone now.

Leave it alone

Hughes Army's message has been imprinted

Because even the other gays around him was in total agreement

Second funniest part.

The real funniest part was the fucking mountain of self-penned fan fiction he had on wikipedia for a decade.

It's still up

It will eventually crumble under the enhanced scrutiny and be whittled down to a single sentence, sending Logan on a downward spiral. This ridiculous entry is his sole compensation for never amassing true fame and riches, and being confined to the outer fringes of relevance. His Wiki in its current, inflated state is the only thing that stems the tide of thoughts creeping into his mind about the reality that he utterly failed to break through as an entertainer. He needs that absurd word count to be maintained more than he needs oxygen.

The crazy part is that you're not allowed to mention the documentary that was just released on him, or wiki faggots will ban you and lock the page.

I think the funniest is that I assume most people still don't knife who he is

I wish they did knife who he is.

god damnit

Meh. I'd have left it.

haha, i would have but it just didn't make any sense

I thought he was a comedian until the 2nd or 3rd time I rewatched the beige video.

I did too until I saw people making fun of his music "career"

I wonder if at any point he thought to himself "Geez, I wish I had just left Opie alone. He tried to be nice and warn me and I just had to be a dumb faggot about the whole thing..."

The gays are as irreflective as women and a little more sassy, so no

(Norm voice) No, no... the funniest part were the faggot jokes. (blinks at camera)

He thought he had a chance to go viral by complaining about the treatment he got from a radio show that hasn't been on the air for years.

You could spend your entire life asking people if they know who Logan Lynn is and will never have a response where the person said they did.

But his YouTube videos get 100 views and he spent thousands of dollars on Twitter followers. Anyone who messes with him will be more ravaged than the way his asshole looks on any given day.

I sure as fuck know who Logan Lynn is! She’s the one who does the dog videos on YouTube right? Terrier I think.

I still dont know who Logan Lynn is and I don't know why the sub is fucking with her.

His blood pressure probably spikes when he has the occasional moment of clarity and remembers how much of his life is fake and carefully manufactured to appeal to people who do not give a squirt of herpes piss about him. Like the straight black male, the gay white male is no longer rare enough to rank at to rank even low on the great pyramid of imagined oppression. The whole state of modern civilization is ever rapidly devolving. I need to smoke even more cigarettes so I can die faster.

I think it is funny to call someone a faggot who actually gets mad about it.

I been calling you people faggots for 4 years and never get the reaction I do from doing it to him.

Loying Logan Lynn on your knees,beg for forgiveness, the Destroyer knows all.

Jay Mohr trying to pressure and shame Opie into responding is pretty funny as well. Mohr doesn't realize that he's as irrelevant as the O&A brand and no one cares what is going on here.

Meh. I'd have left it.

The crazy part is that you're not allowed to mention the documentary that was just released on him, or wiki faggots will ban you and lock the page.