West Coast Comics Who Aren't Complete Faggots 1/1

3  2019-01-27 by JoshFromMichigan


He sucked his cousins dick though.

Yes, and he's still less of a faggot than any west coast comic.

One dicksucking does not a faggot make.


Yes it does. It's like the "one drop" rule, only with more semen.

Good point

If you ever downvote me again, I will kill your whole family.

Please rid me of them

I take it back

Fickle bastard

*He sucked a retarded man’s dick for candy in a shed.

Yeah but he and his cousin took turns sucking each other off also. He’s sucked all kinds of dicks.

He’s a good boy, and just testing boundaries.

Haven't we all?

It was a 69 though so it's not like he wasn't getting something in return

I thought that was a pretty romantic story

Most MadTV comics are aight though.

Aries Spears put out a special recently that had me roaring

I wish you’d fall asleep in a fire that’s roaring

I prefer "roaring fire" over "a fire that's roaring." Just punching it up, brotherman.

For the sake of continuity alone, I feel it important to mirror the format of any post I’m mocking. He ended his shit stain of a sentence with “roaring”, I elected to follow suit. Your mother’s cunt then...

You're right, I didn't even notice that when I read it. Feel free to fuck my ass for retribution.

Outside of this context you were right to prefer the active verb over that passive bullshit though.


He does these impersonations...

Like a lion? You roared?

Lion Ted

He got a pretty hot chick for a short guy with a small dick

She’s really hot actually.


ehh she was hot before she got her bubbas taken out

There's something about her face that I would describe as masculine rather than feminine. I think it's the jaw line.

That's a tough one, man

It's not super serious, but she looks like she has my facial structure, and I'm not a feminine looking man.

And actually makes the podcast better. How tf did he make a podcast where bringin on the gf makes it better??? She shuts his shit down and it's a perfect combo

Can I say gooks? pan faced gooks?

Remember when he got in trouble for calling Vietnamese people Jungle Asians

Only when talking about Esther Ku. Show some respect to Bobby.

show some respect to esther you fucking cunt.

Esther Ku is a sexy slope

that's a bobby quote

She's a part of o&a lore as she air-headedly started that opie and worm argument.

She knew what she was doing

Yeah, Bobby's just half a fag, God bless him.

Sucked lots of dick over the years but still less of a faggot than Joe Rogan and also taller.

You need to add Tom Segura to that list.

nigger please

Kyle Kinane, Sam Tripoli and even they’re a little infected by liberalism. West Coast comedy is pretty much horrible.

I've heard the NY scene is more PC than the West Coast scene at this point in time but I could be wrong.

Tom is funny. But being friends with Rogan really hurts him....

the only self-aware asian on Earth

He’s sort of a faggot, but he’s not a faggot, if that makes any sense.

I heard tommy lee jones let him roll it in his fingers for $200,000. It’s more of a power trip for him.

Where's Tommy lee jones gone btw? I like him


I'll still rewatch his madtv stuff if it's posted, top 3 funniest on that show.

The series of Korean soap opera sketches he did are fucking hilarious. Except for the one that featured WWF's edge for no reason.

I wish Bobby Lee had a special. It sucks that the only evidence of his hilarious stand up is some Just For Laughs clips.

he will never have one. if he did he would be forced to write new material. i'm a fan so i went to see him when he came to town, he was hillarious so my friends wanted to go see him next time he came. about a year later we go and it was all the same material. thats why he pulls his dick out, gives lap dances, whatever it takes to get laughs. if you like him, go see him, once. he has been offered a special before but he turns it down. all you ever hear people say about him is that he kills, so why not record one? he said ali wong used to interview him for the local paper when he would be in town doing shows. she has two specials with/on netflix, she can do it but bobby can't?

He could, but he sleeps and plays video games all day.

He's awful

There's some implication that east coast comedy isn't full of them too?

That does seem to be the implication. Hard edged east coasters like Jim Norton and Judy Gold just tell it like it is

Yeah who is left on the east coast?

Apparently enough people in this sub think it's a West coast only problem!

Bobby Lee is an American treasure. God bless that man

Tsss, what does she live in, a fawkin... house, asumptin?


Can I just say something

The thing is is that

Always loved bobby lee. Real ass nigga

this guy is a metro douche... Old Boston and cellar comics who moved out there are all that are good..

Funny guy, Bobby Lee. Funny fucking guy

I once tried to introduce 2 people to O&A during a long car ride. It just happened to be the day they had Bobby breathing on Bobos little cut up dick while it was dripping slime. They didn't totally get the joke but we got horned up real nice for a mmm 3 way.

Some fellas on a road trip? Sounded like a blast !

Bobby is funny and shit just like Will Sasso. Those mad tv bros were way overrated. And his girl is sexy as hell too. He keeps upgrading. Keep it up bobby.

I think it was norm or maybe corolla told a story about what made them instantly love Bobby lee. They where backstage at a club and herd the crowd erupt, so they went to see what it was and it was Bobby lee spreading his ass cheeks and screaming “we’re all pink on the inside”

When he talks politics with his dumb gf, he is kind of a fag.

Bobby has had sex with multiple Male prostitutes, not sure why you are posting this misinfo

This is the same dude who just let menstealia take all his bits because he was too afraid to confront him- yeah, totally not a faggot.

hes a pussy, its classier to let the pathetic leech grab his cash than pull a hoo hoo. in a way it can feed his ego

I'd like thel number four combination with sauce on side..

His DVDASA stories were amazing. Too bad they were scrubbed from the Internet. Especially the Mexican Natalie Portman one.

What are u referring to?

Hey just noticed.. it's your 2nd Cakeday ThatNiggaDre! hug

David Choe podcast

The Slept King

He's a major faggot, but he's our faggot.

Only when talking about Esther Ku. Show some respect to Bobby.


ehh she was hot before she got her bubbas taken out

There's something about her face that I would describe as masculine rather than feminine. I think it's the jaw line.

Remember when he got in trouble for calling Vietnamese people Jungle Asians


And actually makes the podcast better. How tf did he make a podcast where bringin on the gf makes it better??? She shuts his shit down and it's a perfect combo