Why do we let these two morons have any ounce of success? The only comedic moment I've witnessed from these two was when Schaub asserted that he could face fuck Callen without facing any resistance. Two queers.

1  2019-01-27 by okay_this_is_epic366


Watch out, they have fans here



A guy at my gym has a Fighter And The Kid shirt. I rue the day when he asks me for a spot on bench.

Imminent rue-age.

Fighter and the Kid is old shit now.


The new podcast is "The King and the Sting" with Schaub and Theo Von

Is it any better?

I haven't watched it and don't plan to

I never watched the one with Callen, but it has to be. Theo is actually pretty good, most of the time. Schaub is a waste of protoplasm.

Fighter and the kid. How can a guy 30 years older than the typical podcast viewer call himself kid. Kid Cum

two of those guys that could talk for 2 hours and it'd just be complete drivel, conversation for the sake of conversation

i don't get the appeal of any of the rogan guys

i don't get the appeal of any of the rogan guys

There are a lot of morons out there who want to listen to and watch things that give the illusion of being "edgy" but are actually just vapid drivel.

From what I've read these guys are just "hangers on" types who started a podcast..

Bryan Callen's "highlight reel". Good god almighty, this guy needs to be executed.

Thanks a lot, that was one of the worst things I've ever watched.

This sub is becoming such shit


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-uDhcnL07A .

Rogan, Callen, Schaub, and Bravo all in the room at the same time :(. The amount of circular dick sucking those 4 do is unbearable.

I think I hate Schaub the most, the amount of smugness he's developed is hilarious in a sad way. I honestly hope he gets goaded into another fight, and gets beat retarded.

Schauburg is a dirty Mexican unfunny Jew and I hate him. He deserves zero success and notoriety. I’m not sure who that other guy is. Pretty sure I wouldn’t know who shahburg was either but I like mma.

I am happy to say I have no idea who they are.

Schaub stinks but I actually think Callen is pretty funny and doesn’t take himself too seriously. Seems like a good dude tbh.

Brian Callen’s biggest role was playing basically budget Joe Rogan in Warriors. He’s a fucking nothing, without a resemblence of a personality, the only not bland thing about him is copying other hack youtube intellectuals. He’s selling shit disguised as shit.

Hes pretty funny on the ten minute podcast

The sub r/thefighterandthekid is pretty fucking funny. All they do is shit on that MMA faggot

Thank you for alerting me to this

I think they’re funny.